关键词:谐波抑制,无源滤波器设计,谐波源模型, matlab 仿真
Title I mproved Method of the power system of the passive
Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
Wide-range application of nonlinear load has brought serious harmonic pollution
to power grid, as well as a series of power quality problems. However , some sensitive
load has tougher and tougher requirement on power quality .Therefore, passive power
filer(PPF)is most widely used as harmonic-eliminating device in powe r
system ,because of simple configuration, low investment ,high reliability ,and low
operation cost .The parameter design of PPF with series reactor in source branch is
researched in this paper.
Through analyzing the operation of the passive power filter, a number of measures
have been carried out to improve the reliability of the device .These measures improve
the reliability of the passive filter and eliminate some potential risks. The life length of
the SCR can be improved.
In the course of practical application, the system that only series reactor in the
source branch, its voltage and current distortion rate has decreased. If the load is
regarded as a harmonic current source, this phenomenon is impossible to explain. So
the current source model which is often used in the passive filter design is not accurate.
Therefore, it is necessary to find a more accurate model of the harmonic source.
Through compositing the model numeration with simulation result and the actual
w aveforms ,the effectvity of the model in filter design is verified.
Keywords : harmonic suppression , design of passive power filter, the model of
harmonic source, matlab simulation目次
1 绪论 . 1
1.1 本课题的研究目的及意义 1
1.2 电力系统无源滤波器的国内外研究现状及趋势 . 2
1.3 无源滤波器的应用现状及存在的问题 . 3
1.4 本文主要工作 . 4
1.5 本章小结 . 4
2 无源电力滤波器基础理论 4
2.1 无源滤波器基本原理 4
2.2 单调谐滤波器 . 5
2.3 高通滤波器 . 9
2.4 系统等值谐波阻抗对滤波器参数的影响研究 . 13
2.5 本章小结 . 16
3 无源滤波器工程设计方法 16
3.1 引言 . 16
3.2 无源滤波器的一般性设计原则 16
3.3 设计滤波装置的原始数据 17
3.4 滤波装置设计方案的确定 18
3.5 单调谐滤波器设计方法 19
3.6 高通滤波器的设计方法 29
3.7 本章小结 . 31
4 无源滤波器的改进与仿真 31
4.1 传统无源滤波器的原理分析 31
4.2 基于 Matlab/Simulink 的无源滤波器的改进与分析 33
- 上一篇:网络脆弱性与配电网重构的研究
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