

    毕业论文关键字: 急冷塔;计算机;牛顿模块;组态王;串级控制系统

    The design of Quench Tower Control System based on KINGWIEW

    Abstract:First, understand the process and control of the basic requirements of the quench tower, and then to the computer and Newton modules quench tower control system. Newton module is to achieve acquisition and control signal measurement signal output between the computer and communications modules Newton realize transmission of information, the use of this software platform design KINGVIEW control software and PC management software, to achieve automatic quench tower control. After data aggregated to determine the design of a temperature-based control amount, the amount of flow of the sub-control cascade control system. To do is draw KINGVIEW quench tower control system monitoring screen, measure signal acquisition by Newton module and transmit signals to the computer, control and regulation quenching tower spray of water flow into the cooling gas, so that the temperature reaches setting the range. In this system, you can be more in-depth study in the quench water recycling, water saving surplus, making more efficient utilization of energy.

    Key Words:Quench Tower; Computer; Newton Module; KINGVIEW; Cascade Control System


    1绪论 1

    1.1 本课题的目的与意义 1

    1.1.1 本课题的目的 1

    1.1.2 本课题的意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状及水平 1

    1.2.1 国内研究现状及水平 1

    1.2.2国外研究现状及水平 2

    1.3发展趋势 2

    1.4技术要求 2

    2急冷塔控制系统设计的重点、难点 3

    2.1急冷塔控制系统设计的重点 3

    2.2急冷塔控制系统设计的难点 3

    3急冷塔控制系统采取方法及方案设计 4

    3.1急冷塔控制系统所采取的方法 4

    3.2急冷塔控制系统方案设计——串级控制系统 5

    3.2.1串级控制系统的原理和特点 5

    3.2.2串级控制系统的设计 5

    3.3调节规律 7

    3.3.1调节规律的介绍 7

    3.3.2调节器参数整定 8

    3.3.3 PID整定方法——串级控制系统 10

    3.3.4 急冷塔控制系统中参数整定方法

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