

    毕业论文关键词:城市轨道交通 轮对 信息系统 功能分析


    Title    Title Urban rail transit vehicles wheel Management Information System  Functional Analysis                     


    As the domestic large-scale construction of urban rail transit and opened in succession, its security is becoming more and more widely attention. As an important part of urban rail transit vehicle ,wheel bears all the static, dynamic load from the vehicle, wheel tread surface and near surface of the wear, abrasion, stripping, defects such as cracks are important factors to the safety of driving, must be timely and effectively to wheel size of vehicle state and fault recording and analysis, timely find wheel for defects, repair or replace transfinite wheel on, in order to avoid the happening of the train accident. This thesis on system analysis of wheel tread of urban rail vehicles, the fault types, reasons and its harm, on the basis of the functions of the management information system for vehicle wheel to conduct a comprehensive analysis, highlighting common faults and the relationship between the test data, the out-of-gauge, flange thickness, flange height overrun, wheel diameter difference transfinite, rim width overrun, transfinite QR value transfinite and wear rate. And the test data, relationships between data and adopt reasonable analysis method to carry out the trend of the data analysis, fault diagnosis and repair method for providing reliable technical support.

    Keywords: Urban rail transport Wheel Information system  Functional

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 研究意义 2

    1.3 国内外研究现状 3

    2 车辆轮对常见故障及其原因分析 5

    2.1 轮对构成 5

    2.2 车辆轮对常见故障 8

    2.3 故障原因分析 12

    2.4 本章小结 13

    3 车辆轮对参数与常见故障关联度分析 14

    3.1 参数获取 14

    3.2 故障与测试参数关联度分析 17

    4 轮对信息管理系统 20

    4.1 系统功能概述 20

    4.2 具体功能描述 20

    4.3 本章小结 25

    结论 26


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