
    摘要本文研究自动档案柜的手持终端远程控制技术。在传统的自动档案柜控制系统上,通过一个手持终端即PDA,建立与自动档案柜上位机的无线WIFI通信,实现对档案柜的远程控制,并简化档案管理的业务逻辑。论文首先介绍了远程控制技术、自动档案柜系统组成和论文的总体架构。论文的具体工作包括基于WinCE系统的手持终端软件设计和上位机用于和手持终端无线WIFI通信的模块设计。软件基于Visual Studio .NET平台、使用C#编程语言、采用面向无连接的Socket通信模式即UDP通信协议实现了系统所有的功能设计。论文最后进行了总结,并展望未来手持终端远程控制技术会得到更广泛的使用。64510

    毕业论文关键词:档案柜 手持终端 远程控制 Socket


    Title   A Design of Handhold Terminal Remote Control of Automatic File Cabinets                                                      

    Abstract In this article, we have a research on handhold terminal remote control technology based on automatic file cabinets. Based on the traditional control system of automatic file cabinet, establish WIFI wireless communication through a handhold terminal (PDA) with the PC which control the automatic file cabinet. In this way, we can realize the remote control of the file cabinet, and simplify the business logic of archive management. This paper firstly introduces the remote control technology, system composition of the automatic file cabinet and the general architecture of this paper. The main works of this paper includes the software design of the handhold terminal based on WinCE systems and the module design of PC, which is used for the WIFI wireless communication with handheld terminal. The software is based on Visual Studio.NET platform, using C# programming language. We use the Socket communication model without connection, namely UDP communication protocol, to realize all the function design of the system. Finally, summary this article and prospect that handhold terminal remote control technology will be more widely used in the future.

    Keywords: File cabinets  Handhold terminal  Remote control  Socket

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  远程控制技术概况 1

    1.2  远程控制技术的发展和展望 1

    1.3  课题背景 1

    1.4  论文主要工作 2

    1.5  论文章节安排 2

    2  系统简介 4

    2.1  自动档案柜控制系统简介 4

    2.2  手持终端简介 5

    3  总体设计 7

    3.1  需求分析 7

    3.2  总体规划 7

    3.3  通信原理基础 8

    4  系统设计实现 11

    4.1  通信协议 11

    4.2  手持终端部分 13

    4.3  上位机通信模块设计 21

    5  远程控制实现 24

    总结 27

    致谢 28

    参考文献 29

     1  绪论

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