
    摘 要:牛顿环是典型的等厚干涉现象,在科研和生产实践中都有着重要的应用。实验观察牛顿环对环境要求高,调节耗时,且长时间专注观察极易引起视觉疲劳从而导致测量精度降低。MATLAB具有科学计算、符号运算和图形处理等多种强大功能。根据光的干涉理论,利用MATLAB强大的科学计算功能,对牛顿环进行模拟,效果良好。改变实验参数,对牛顿环进行对比分析,计算仿真结果和实验结果得到了很好的吻合。对比于实验室方法观察光学现象,应用MATLAB进行计算机仿真,不仅可以简化操作,而且可以使不同参数下的实验现象更容易观察。65469


    Abstract:Newton’s rings are typical phenomenon of the interference of equal thickness, which play an important role in not only scientific research but also manufacture. The experiment of Newton's rings has many requirements for environment; what’s more, it spends much time measuring. In the experiment, people will stare at the rings for long time, which will cause the experimenter to feel tired, so that the measurement accuracy may be reduced. MATLAB has the variety of functions, such as powerful scientific computing, symbolic computation and graphics processing. According to interference theory of light, with the help of powerful computing capability of MATLAB, Newton's rings are simulated with good effect. Then, by adjusting the experimental parameters and comparing with the Newton’s rings, this simulation matches experimental results very well. In the end, compared to the laboratory method to observe diffraction phenomenon, simulation of optical phenomenon by MATLAB, can greatly simplify the operation, and also make it easier to get the simulation under different parameters.

    Keywords: Newton’s rings, MATLAB, simulation

    目 录

    1  引言 4

    2  牛顿环的基本原理 4

    2.2  等厚干涉 5

    2.3  牛顿环产生原理 6

    2.4  本章小结 7

    3  牛顿环的MATLAB仿真 7

    3.1  仿真程序 7

    3.2  仿真的可视化结果 8

    3.3  本章小结 10

    4  牛顿环的应用 10

    4.1  测量透镜曲率 10

    4.2  检验透镜的光洁度 11

    4.3  本章小结 12

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致  谢 15

    1  引言



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