
    摘要Model 750系统的建模与控制本文针对控制力矩陀螺Model 750系统的数学模型和控制算法进行了研究。首先介绍了控制力矩陀螺的研究现状、工作原理及其特性等。其次,通过建立相应的参考坐标系列出了系统的运动学方程,在此基础上根据拉格朗日方程推导出了Model 750系统的数学模型。在建立高度复杂多变量非线性模型的基础上,通过减少自由度简化了系统的数学模型,进而建立了三自由度系统的近似线性模型和非线性模型。基于三自由度系统的线性模型,分别设计了带有速度反馈的PD控制算法、巴特沃思型极点配置控制算法以及线形二次型LQR控制算法,并借助根轨迹法完成了参数的调整;基于三自由度系统的非线性模型,利用输入输出解耦控制将两输入两输出的耦合系统解耦成两个线性子系统从而进行控制,利用反步法对系统的三个状态同时进行跟踪控制。最后,将所设计的控制算法用于Model 750系统的仿真和和实际实验,验证了其可行性。67254

    毕业论文关键词  Model 750系统  数学模型  控制算法  仿真  实验


    Title      the modeling and control of Model 750 system           



    The problem of mathematical model and control strategies of a Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG), Model 750 system, is studied in this paper. First, the research status, principles, characteristics and etc. of CMG is discussed. Secondly, with the the establishment of the coordinate, we get the kinematics equations of the system. Thus based on Lagrange equation, the mathematical model of Model 750 system is deduced. By reducing the degree of freedom, the highly complex multi-variable nonlinear model is simplified, thereby establishing a linear and simplified nonlinear model with the three degree of freedom. Based on the linear model, PD controller with speed feedback, pole placement and LQR controllers are designed to control the movement of one of the axis of Model 750. Simultaneously, the parameter adjustment of the controllers is completed with root locus method. Based on the nonlinear model, by the use of the input-output decoupling linearization method, the two input two output coupling system is decoupled into two linear subsystems. In addition, backstepping controller is introduced for tracking control. Finally, the results of simulation and experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controllers.

    Keywords  Model 750 system  mathematical model  control strategies   simulation  experiments

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题研究背景1

    1.2  控制力矩陀螺研究现状2

    1.3  控制力矩陀螺概述2

    2  Model 750系统组成5

    2.1  电动机械设备5

    2.2  实时控制单元6

    2.3  ECP软件 7

    2.4  本章小结 9

    3  Model 750系统数学建模10

    3.1  Model 750系统的数学模型 10

    3.2  三自由度系统的数学模型 14

    3.3  本章小结 16

    4  基于线性模型的控制器设计18

    4.1  线性系统控制方法 18

    4.2  系统控制器设计方法 19

    4.3  开环系统 19

    4.4  PID控制 21

    4.5  LQR控制 26

    4.6  极点配置控制 29

    4.7  本章小结 34

    5  基于非线性模型的控制器设计35

    5.1  输入输出解耦控制 35

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