

    毕业论文关键词  小电流接地系统  单相接地  故障选线  MATLAB   综合选线


    Title    Small current grounding system single-phase      

                fault line selection method                                                


    After the small current grounding system occurred single-phase ground fault, the circuit breaker does not trip immediately, the system can continue to run one to two hours, but the fault is generated when the voltage increases such as device and caused no small impact, so it is necessary to find a timely and effective method to select line and as soon as possible to troubleshooting. On the basis of the small current grounding system and its fault characteristics, compare and analysis applies of each line selection methods, elect wavelet transform method as the line selected program, and use the MATLAB software to simulate this method.  Next, base on the comprehensive use of complementary of Transient and steady state, combine the wavelet transform method and zero-sequence current amplitude comparison method together to select line, also use the software to simulate. The simulation results and the actual fault condition are matched, and verify the feasibility and accuracy of the wavelet transform method and the comprehensive method to select line mixed together. By the research and simulation of each method, it is found that the wavelet transform method is indeed very effective, the use of the complementary of comprehensive method to select line is also very successful.

    Keywords  small current grounding system   single-phase ground 

    fault line selection   MATLAB   comprehensive line selection

    目   次

    1  绪论.1

      1.1  课题的研究背景、目的及意义...1

      1.2  国内外研究现状和发展趋势.1

           1.2.1  国内外研究现状1

           1.2.2  各国应用情况及发展趋势3

      1.3  目前存在的问题...4

      1.4  论文的主要工作...4

    2  小电流接地系统特征及选线方法研究.6

      2.1  小电流接地系统特点及其故障特征...6

      2.2  选线方法描述及研究比较...7

           2.2.1  选线方法描述..7

           2.2.2  对选线方法的研究比较.11

           2.2.3  选线方案的流程描述...12

      2.3  本章小结12

    3  利用MATLAB软件对选线方法进行仿真验证...13

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