
    摘要导航技术是人类探索航空、航天领域的重要手段,但是传统的捷联式惯性导航系统(SINS)和全球定位导航系统(GPS)都存在不足,结合二者的优势提高导航精度是当前研究的重点,因此本文主要研究二者的组合导航效果。 67761



    毕业论文关键词  SINS;GPS;组合导航;输出校正;卡尔曼滤波 


    Title         Algorithm design based on GPS/SINS   integrated  navigation                   

    Abstract Navigation technology is an important means of human exploring aviation, aerospace field, but traditional strap-down inertial navigation system (SINS) and global positioning navigation system (GPS) have defects, a key point of current research is combining with the advantages of both systems to improve the navigation precision, So this article mainly studies the effect of integrated navigation .

    First  of all , this article separately discusses the working principle, system composition, error analysis and calculation model of the GPS navigation system and the strap-down inertial navigation. Secondly, the BD/SINS integrated navigation hardware circuit is designed in the case of integrated navigation system combination determined, after analysis and selection, the chip module is identified, and the whole layout is completed. In addition, this paper studied the effect with the indirect method estimating navigation output value and using the output correction method to proceed with kalman filtering. Under the established mathematical model of the integrated navigation system, system noise and interference is simulated, we carry on the simulation experiments so that we can get the simulation curve and data to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. 

    This study based on the theory of GPS/SINS integrated navigation,and applies it to BD/SINS integrated navigation hardware analogously to reduce the cost of system, and make it have better application value.

    Keywords  SINS;GPS;integrated navigation; the output correction;kalman filter

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2  导航系统介绍 1

    1.2.1  无线电导航系统 1

    1.2.2  捷联式惯性导航系统 1

    1.2.3  卫星导航系统 1

    1.3  GPS/SINS组合导航系统 2

    1.4  导航滤波算法介绍 2

    1.5  本文的主要研究内容 2

    2  捷联式惯性导航 4

    2.1  基本工作原理

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