


    Abstract:With the development of the wireless technology and science technology, the hospital ward call have had a system support,it makes the hospital receives a full range of security to the patient's care.This design is based on AT89C51 microcontrollers as the hardware support and uses the C language,matrix keyboard,LCD liquid crystal display circuit,Proteus simulation technology to develop and design.It makes the patient and medical staff can communicate over a long distance.In this design every room's head of the bed has a button, it provides patients to use,if patients need help they just press the button, the medical station screen will display the corresponding sickbed and have voice alarm.Then,medical staff will know and they can press the button to cancel the current response after the call. This design expounds design method of the control system from the aspects of Proteus simulation software and hardware,and also it reachs the expected aim after debugging and running the system.Through the data acquisition of ward,it realizes the communication between the hospital medical personnel duty room and ward call contact,it is a big try of the single-chip microcomputer technology in the clinical applications of bold,and single-chip microcomputer technology has the characteristics of fast response,completed  function and strong practicability.

    Keywords:Microcontrollers,Call Systems, Matrix Keyboard, LCD,Electronic Circuit


    1 绪论 3

    1.1 本文研究背景与意义 3

    1.2 病床呼叫系统的发展概况 3

    1.3 本设计的研究内容及安排 4

    2 基于单片机的病床呼叫系统总体方案设计 4

    2.1 病床呼叫系统的功能要求 4

    2.2 电路总结构设计 5

    2.3 单片机最小系统 5

    2.4 键盘扫描电路结构 6

    2.5 LCD液晶显示电路结构 7

    2.6 声音报警电路结构 8

    3 病床呼叫系统硬件电路设计 8

    3.1 总体硬件电路图 8

    3.2 键盘扫描电路 10

    3.3 LCD液晶显示电路 10

    3.4 声音报警电路 11

    3.5 时钟复位电路 11

    4 病床呼叫系统程序设计

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