

    Abstract:He design of the use of LabVIEW software and NI data acquisition card USB-6009 set up a data acquisition platform. The platform can be configured by the data acquisition card to capture the pulse signal, and real-time calculation and display pulse signal frequency. It is also possible to collect the current signal by configuring the data acquisition card and the applied resistor and display the waveform in real time. In addition, the platform can also configure the serial port, showing an external RFID reader to read the RFID tag information. In the experiment, the platform is used to control the start and stop of a stepping motor, and then the pulse signal of the input motor is collected and the frequency is calculated. The resulting result approximates the actual input pulse frequency value. In addition, the platform to collect and display the current signal waveform and the value consistent with the actual value, the display of RFID information is also accurate.

    Keywords:Data collection;LabVIEW;USB-6009

    目 录

    基于LabVIEW的数据采集测试平台 2

    1 绪论 1

    1.1背景 1

    1.2国内外技术现状 1

    1.3数据采集技术的介绍 2

    1.3.1数据采集介绍 2

    1.3.3数据采集资料后如何利用 4

    2 LabVIEW采集脉冲信号及计算脉冲频率 7

    2.1数据采集卡 7

    2.2虚拟仪器测试系统的结构 11

    2.3程序设计模块 12

    2.3.1 数据采集卡采集的模拟信号 12

    2.3.2 虚拟信号发生器输出的仿真信号 13

    2.3.3 信号处理模块 14

    2.4测试结果分析 14

    2.4.1 对虚拟信号发生器仿真信号分析与处理 15

    2.4.2 对数据采集卡采集信号的分析与处理 15

    2.5 结语 16

    3 数据采集的程序设计 17

    3.1 前面板设计 17

    3.2 程序后面板设计 17

    3.3 vi层次结构 23

    4  采集实验结果及总结 24

    4.1 采集实验结果 24

    4.1.1系统的前面板的运行情况 24

    4.1.2 虚拟信号输入与输出 25

    4.1.3 虚拟信号发生器的误差测量与分析

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