


    毕业论文关键词:52单片机  射频卡  密码锁系统 

    Design of Radio Frequency Code Lock System Based on the MCU

    Abstract the code lock system has become increasingly important in life,so the intelligent code lock system based on 52 MCU has been achieved. The MCU is the control center of the code lock system,keyboard,Identification circuit of radio frequency card, buzzer warning circuit,password storage circuit and LCD display circuit are added in the periphery. In this design,before entering the door radio frequency card must be carried out to swipe. Once the system starts to work,the buzzer will send out the sound with the action of swiping the radio frequency card,the green indicator light will be lit in the condition of the card to be allowed,the indicator light will be off automatically after delaying for a period of time,red indicator light will be lit and the buzzer will also hurriedly rang in the condition that the authority of the card does not match with the user. You must press the function key before entering the set state, then you could register、modify and cancel the card etc. 

    Key Words: MCU52   radio frequency card   the code lock system

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 V

    表清单 VI

    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2发展趋势 1

    2设计方案简述 3

    2.1 方案选择 3

    2.2 密码锁系统的总体结构图 4

    3  电路详细设计 5

    3.1  电路控制的模块 5

    3.2  射频卡识别模块 6

    3.3  LCD1602电路 11

    3.4  存储电路 16

    3.5  键盘模块电路 19

    3.6  报警模块电路 21

    软件详细设计 23

    4.1  操作流程图 23

    4.2  检测卡片流程图 23

    4.3  详细程序设计流程图 24

    4.4  模块详细设计功能 24

    5  系统程序调试以及解析 25

    6  系统的安装与调试 27

    6.1调试的步骤 27


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