




    毕业论文关键词:煤矿安全监控  STC12C5A08S2  RS-485  LabVIEW

    The Design of Microcontroller-based Mine Safety Monitoring System


    High yield and high consumption of the coal industry has the characteristics of more employees and high risk. According to statistics, most of the gas explosion and the accidents of poisonous gas causing people to choke occurred in Chinese small coal mines are caused by the lack of monitoring of the concentration of gas and the concentration of poisonous gas in the mine. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop an economical, efficient and intelligent coal mine safety monitoring system.

    This paper first introduces the research status of coal mine safety monitoring technology in foreign and domestic, and analyzes the shortcomings of the current domestic technology. Then according to the relevant rules of the design of this paper, it make an analysis of the overall function, and finally it completes the design of hardware and software according to the functional requirements.

    The main design work of this paper is pided into the designs of lower computer and higher computer. STC12C5A08S2 microcontroller is taked as the core of the lower machine, using the methane concentration intelligent sensor, carbon monoxide intelligent sensor, oxygen intelligent sensor, carbon dioxide intelligent sensor, oxygen intelligent sensor, temperature intelligent sensor, humidity intelligent sensor, air volume sensor and equipment start and stop sensor to collect the environmental parameters and the running state of the equipment parameters information. MCU communicates with PC by RS-485, sends capturing information and receives the  data which are translated by DAC0832 into analog that can realizes changing the fan speed and controlling the equipment start and stop with the helps of frequency transformer and breaker. The host computer uses LabVIEW as the software to realize

    these functions of measured data processing, displaying, controling and overheat alarming etc.

    This paper has 37 figures, 1 tables, 25 references.

    Key Words: Coal mine safety monitoring  STC12C5A08S2  RS-485  LabVIEW

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 VI

    表清单 VII

    变量注释表 VII

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义

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