
    摘要进入 21 世纪以来,我国电力产业实现了飞跃式的发展,电力系统输电容量 日趋扩大,电网结构更加规模化、复杂化,而变电站作为电力系统中的最重要组 成部分之一,其技术及模式得到了快速发展。其中数字化变电站以性能卓越、安 全可靠、经济高效等众多优点在国内电网建设中的地位越发不可取代。69951

    本文首先讲述了数字化变电站的现状及所处的时代背景,然后分析了数字化 变电站的概念与优势,介绍了 ICE61850 通信标准及 GOOSE 网络;之后确定了变 电站一次设备的具体选型如变压器,电子互感器等;接着对数字化变电站的网络 结构进行设计,论述了站控层、过程层、间隔层的架构和配置方案及其工作原理; 最后以某一 110kV 数字化变电站为实例,阐述了数字化变电站的结构和原理,并 对数字化变电站的设计提出多种可行性建议。

    该论文有图 13 幅,表 8 个,参考文献 24 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:IEC61850 一次系统 网络结构 数字化变电站

    110kV Digital Substation Design


    With the progress of economic construction, the construction of China's power industry obtained the rapid development, the transmission capacity of power  system is enlarged continually, power network structure is more huge and complex, promote the as a mode of substation of power system is an important part of the rapid development. The digital substation is becoming more and more important in the power grid construction in China, with its advantages of high performance, high security, high reliability and high economy.

    The status of the digital substation and era background is discussed in this paper at first, and then the concept and advantages of digital substation are analyzed, the ICE61850 communication standard and GOOSE network are introduced next.Then this paper designs the network structure of digital substation, discusses the station control layer, middle layer and interlayer structure;and finally it takes a real 110 kV digital substation as an example, expounds the structure of the digital substation, principle and learning in the operation of the various situations and the design of digital substation proposed a kind of feasible scheme.

    This paper has 13 figures, 8 tables, 24 references.

    Key Word:ICE61850 PrimarySystem Network DigitalSubstation




    1  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 本文的工作 2

    2 数字化变电站概述 3

    2.1 数字化变电站特点 3

    2.2 与常规变电站的比较 3

    3 数字化变电站一次系统设计 5

    3.1 系统概述 5

    3.2 电气主接线设计 5

    3.3 变压器选型 6

    3.4 短路电流计算 8

    3.5 电子互感器 11

    3.6 智能化断路器 13

    4 IEC61850 标准和 GOOSE 网络 16


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