
    摘要:四旋翼无人飞行器的很多特点是固定式比不了的,能够适应各种复杂环境;能够通过我们的遥控来决定到底是起飞还是落地,对自己的操作地点是不怎么挑剔的,并且通过自己独有的程序特点,能进行许多状态下的飞行,就比如高空悬停、向前飞、向侧飞还有倒飞等。手机操作无人机能避免在遥控器坏掉或遗失的情况下仍然控制飞行器,而且加上独有的重力感应装置反而比遥控更有意思更有趣味。 小型多旋翼飞行器的最大的优点就是敏捷灵活,能够达到自己理想的操作体验。尤其手机app控制能够更好的操作无人机。70055

    毕业论文关键字: 环境;高度智能;姿态;应用前景;app控制

    More mobile phone app rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs) remote control system design

    Abstract:No more rotor aircraft has fixed wing uavs incomparable advantages: can adapt to various complex environment; Autonomous takeoff and landing ability, low requirement for takeoff landing site, and highly intelligent, can fly with all sorts of attitude, such as hovering, front, side and inverted, etc. These advantages determine the unmanned aerial vehicles than fixed-wing has a broad application prospect and conventional rotor aircraft such as compared to the traditional layout of helicopter, rotor aircraft structure is more compact, more power efficiency is high. Small rotor aircraft of the many tasks of a more common requirement is to be able to hover and patrol. Especially the phone app can better operating unmanned aerial vehicle control. 

    Key words: environment;Highly intelligent ;posture;papplication prospect;app control


    1 绪论 2

    1.1 手机控制的意义 2

    1.2 应用范围 2

    1.3 技术要求 3

    1.3.1 系统总体设计及硬件平台 3

    1.3.2 四旋翼飞行器设计 3

    1.3.3 嵌入式Linux的移植 3

    1.3.4 系统应用软件的设计 3

    1.4 目的 3

    1.5 国内外的发展 3

    2 手机的优点 4

    2.1 手机控制的由来 4

    2.2 操作优点 4

    2.3 设计理念 5

    2.3.1 垂直方向定位 6

    2.3.2 自动悬停 6

    2.3.3 悬停油门基准值 7

    2.3.4 电池 8

    2.3.5 固定调试 9

    2.3.6 无线调试 10

    3 器件总览及选型说明 14

    3.1 电机 & 桨叶 14

    3.2 电池 15

    3.3 主控MCU(单片机 16

    3.3.1 电机驱动 16

    3.3.2 陀螺仪加速度计 16

    3.3.3 气压计 17

    3.3.4 电子罗盘(磁力计) 17

    3.3.5 蓝牙透传模块 18

    4 结论 29

    4.1 APP操控精度不高 29

    4.2 APP操控降低使用门槛

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