    关键词: 故障诊断;灰色关联性;移动机器人;Matlab;故障树;
    Study on the fault diagnosis for mobile robot
    based on grey relation theory
    Abstract: With the development of computer technology, electronic technology, control theory, mechanical engineering and the applications of new materials, new components, mobile robot technology change quickly and continuously. Mobile robots have been widely used in  industrial, agriculture, military, space exploration, deep sea exploration, military, space exploration , deep sea exploration , medical care , rescue ,daily life , etc. Modern industry and agriculture, military and other fields is becoming more and more complicated and people are in pursuit of the quality of life of production, making the mobile robot is the increasingly high demand, the robot technology also more and more advanced, complex. From the simple application to intelligent, from artificial participation to self-organization operation, from known to unknown environment application environment, from single robot to multiple robots coordination and formation work and so on, and puts forward some requirements of these applications on mobile robot stability.
    If the mobile robot running in fault state, on one hand, shorten the mobile robot's life, on the other hand, may also have a negative impact, sometimes may have disastrous consequences. Even if it takes a lot of manpower and capital investment to the elaborate design and manufacturing of mobile robot, robot can not avoid malfunction when it is facing the unknown, complex and changing environments. Therefore, fault diagnosis is very important to the mobile robot.
    Based on the research works from scholars all over the world and with new technique in relative disciplines adopted, this paper has researched deeply on the unknown environment of mobile robot fault diagnosis. The main work is as follows: first of all, through dismantling robot hardware by manual, we are analyzing the fault which the hardware may be lead to and use these fault to list a fault tree. Then through analyzing and comparison the fault data and the normal state of the data,  we use the gray correlation theory to judge the state. finally, the fault diagnosis method are verified by MATLAB simulation.
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