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时间:2019-12-17 19:14来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 罢工;劳资;博弈

 Game analysis between the labor and the capital in strikes 

 Abstract:In order to understand the current situation of strikes in China, employee-employer relations, the choices of game strategies, the game situation and results of the real strikes as well, I took the measures of literature research, case analysis and empirical research to collect information. And then, I obtained the following results: Most strikes occurred in manufacturing industry. If enterprise internal communication channels were not smooth, it was likely to trigger strikes. Furthermore, employees tended to elect the employees who were not union members as their delegations to negotiate with the capital. The capital were good at using linguistic tricks to fool strikers, so those strikers hope to get some legal aid. Normally, strikers could get the support of public opinion. If employers could not immediately fulfill their commitments, employees were likely to not return to work or strike again. Employers would separate a negotiation to lower its difficulty. The capital hired new employees to replace strikers, so the substitutability of positions and population would affect strikers’ confidence. Finally, this study based on the analysis of the research results, pertinently put forward some means for its control and prevention.

KeyWords:strikes;labor and capital;game


一、研究背景 1

二、研究目的和意义 1

(一) 研究目的 1

(二) 研究意义 1

1、 理论意义 1

2、 现实意义 1

三、研究方法 2

(一) 文献研究 2

(二) 案例分析 2

(三) 实证调研 2

1、 访谈法 2

2、 问卷调查法 3

3、 现场调研 3

四、研究结果 3

(一) 文献研究结果 3

1、 罢工的现状 3

2、 劳资利益关系现状 4

3、 劳资博弈现状 5

(二) 案例分析 7

1、 事件经过 7

2、 案件处置分析 7

(三) 实证调研结果 8

1、 问卷调查结果 8

2、 访谈结果 11

3、 现场调研结果 罢工中的劳资博弈分析:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_43492.html
