
    There  is a wealth  of human  factors  data  available  in the  literature.   Some references are  noted   in  the bibliography. The  type  of  information    which   might  be  needed   for a machine design  problem  ranges  from  dimensions  of the  human  body  and  their distribu- tion among the population by age and  gender,  to the  ability  of the  human  body  to with- stand  accelerations  in various  directions,  to typical  strengths   and  force  generating   abili- ty in various  positions.   Obviously,   if you  are  designing   a device  that  will  be  controlled by a human (a grass shortener, perhaps), you need to know  how  much  force  the user  can exert with hands  held  in various  positions,  what  the  user's  reach  is, and  how  much noise the ears can stand  without  damage.  If your  device  will  carry  the user  on it, you need data on the limits of acceleration which the  body  can  tolerate.  Data  on  all these  topics exist. Much of it was developed by the government which regularly tests the ability of military personnel   to  withstand   extreme   environmental   conditions. Part  of  the  background  re- search   of  any  machine   design   problem   should   include   some  investigation of human factors.


    Communication of  your  ideas   and  results   is  a  very  important    aspect   of engineering. Many engineering students picture themselves  in professional  practice  spending  most  of their time doing calculations of a nature similar to those they have done as  students. Fortunately, this is seldom  the case,  as it would  be very boring.  Actually,  engineers  spend the largest percentage  of their  time  communicating  with  others,  either  orally  or  in writ- ing.  Engineers  write  proposals  and  technical  reports,   give  presentations,   and   interact with  support  personnel  and  managers.   When  your  design  is done,  it is usually  necessary to present  the  results  to your  client,  peers,  or employer.    The  usual  form  of  presentation is a formal engineering report. Thus, it is very important for the  engineering  student  to develop  his  or her  communication    skills.   You may  be  the  cleverest  person   in the world,

    but  no  one  will  know  that  if you  cannot  communicate   your  ideas  clearly  and concisely.

    In fact, if you cannot explain what you have  done,  you probably  don't  understand  it your- self.  To give you  some  experience  in this  important   skill,  the  design  project assignments in later  chapters  are  intended  to be  written  up  in  formal  engineering  reports.  Informa- tion on the writing of engineering reports can be found in the suggested readings in the bibliography   at the  end  of this  chapter.

  1. 上一篇:柔性制造系统调度的仿真英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:单螺带桨叶与双螺带桨叶的在搅拌器英文文献和中文翻译
  1. 超声雾化加湿系统英文文献和中文翻译

  2. 胎压监测系统英文文献和中文翻译

  3. 在线机器测量系统英文文献和中文翻译

  4. 超声雾化器英文文献和中文翻译

  5. 搅拌釜反应器英文文献和中文翻译

  6. 单螺带桨叶与双螺带桨叶...

  7. 柔性制造系统调度的仿真英文文献和中文翻译

  8. 网络信息时代下的社会道德滑坡现象探究

  9. 知识产权保护对我国国际贸易的影响及对策

  10. AdaBoost算法基于DSP的嵌入式人脸检测

  11. 液压支架试验台测控系统设计任务书

  12. 《青春照相馆》作品导演阐述

  13. 装配式混凝土建筑的发展研究现状

  14. SolidWorks+LS-DYNA缓冲材料冲击特性建模与分析

  15. 高考作文命题样式研究

  16. 基于宏/微驱动模式的双电...

  17. 论《西游记》中的孙悟空形象




