
    Problem   statement: Move  this  object  from  point  A to point  B.

    The action verb is "move." Some synonyms are push, pull, slip,  slide,  shove,  throw, eject. jump,  spill.

    By whatever means,  the  aim  in this  ideation  step  is to generate  a large  number  of ideas without particular regard  to quality.  But,  at some  point,  your  "mental  well"  will go dry.  You will  have  then  reached  the  step  in the  creative  process  called frustration. It is time  to leave  the problem  and do something   else  for a time.   While  your  conscious   mind is occupied  with  other  concerns,  your  subconscious  mind  will  still  be  hard  at  work  on the  problem.    This  is  the  step  called incubation. Suddenly,   at  a quite  unexpected   time and place,  an idea  will  pop  into  your  consciousness,  and  it will  seem  to be the  obvious and  "right"   solution  to the  problem   ...   Eureka! Most  likely,  later  analysis  will discov- er some flaw in this solution. If so, back up and  iterate!  More  ideation,  perhaps  more research,   and  possibly   even  a redefinition   of the  problem   may  be necessary.

    In "Unlocking Human  Creativity"[S]  Wallen  describes  three  requirements  for  cre- ative  insight:

    Fascination   with  a problem.

    Saturation   with  the facts,   technical  ideas,  data,  and  the background   of the problem.

    A period   of reorganization.

    The first of these provides the motivation to solve the  problem.  The  second  is the back- ground research  step described  above.  The period  of reorganization  refers  to the  frustra- tion phase when your subconscious works  on  the  problem.  Wallen[S] reports  that  testi- mony from creative people tells us that in this period of reorganization they have  no  con- scious concern with the particular problem and that  the moment  of insight  frequently  ap- pears  in the  midst  of relaxation  or sleep.   So to enhance  your  creativity,   saturate  yourself in the  problem   and  related  background   material.   Then  relax  and  let  your subconscious do  the  hard work!


    Once you are at this stage, you have structured  the problem,  at least  temporarily,  and  can now  apply   more  sophisticated    analysis   techniques   to  examine   the  performance    of the

    design in the analysis  phase  of the design  process.  (Some  of these  analysis  methods  will be discussed in detail in the following chapters.) Further  iteration  will  be  required  as problems are discovered from  the  analysis.  Repetition  of  as  many  earlier  steps  in the design  process  as necessary   must  be  done  to ensure  the  success  of the   design.

  1. 上一篇:柔性制造系统调度的仿真英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:单螺带桨叶与双螺带桨叶的在搅拌器英文文献和中文翻译
  1. 超声雾化加湿系统英文文献和中文翻译

  2. 胎压监测系统英文文献和中文翻译

  3. 在线机器测量系统英文文献和中文翻译

  4. 超声雾化器英文文献和中文翻译

  5. 搅拌釜反应器英文文献和中文翻译

  6. 单螺带桨叶与双螺带桨叶...

  7. 柔性制造系统调度的仿真英文文献和中文翻译

  8. 网络信息时代下的社会道德滑坡现象探究

  9. 知识产权保护对我国国际贸易的影响及对策

  10. AdaBoost算法基于DSP的嵌入式人脸检测

  11. 液压支架试验台测控系统设计任务书

  12. 《青春照相馆》作品导演阐述

  13. 装配式混凝土建筑的发展研究现状

  14. SolidWorks+LS-DYNA缓冲材料冲击特性建模与分析

  15. 高考作文命题样式研究

  16. 基于宏/微驱动模式的双电...

  17. 论《西游记》中的孙悟空形象




