
    摘  要:行政处罚权是国家权力的重要组成部分,与公民、法人以及其组织有着密切的利益关系,因而依据行政处罚权做出的处罚决定应当同时具备合法性和合理性。但行政处罚权在现实社会中被滥用的情况却屡见不鲜,尤其是行政罚款,由于行政罚款自由裁量权的空间比其他行政处罚更大,同时执法体制、罚款的程序等又都存在短处,所以更容易被滥用,侵害相对人的合法权益,在社会上引起广泛的关注。如何有效地行使行政处罚权成为当今社会人们普遍关注的热点话题。在本文中,我将详细的向大家介绍行政罚款被滥用的几种情况,并从完善行政立法、建立健全行政罚款裁量权基准等几个方面提出自己浅显的解决方案。70503


    Reasonable restriction on the right of discretion in administrative penalty

    Abstract: administrative punishment is an important part of the state power and the citizen, legal person and its organization has close relationship of interests, thus the basis of administrative punishment decided to make the punishment should also have the legitimacy and rationality of administrative punishment. But the abuse of the right in the real society is It is often seen. especially administrative fines. Due to the administrative penalty discretion space is greater than that of other administrative penalties, and law enforcement system, fine procedures have some shortcomings, so it is easier to be abused, against the legitimate interests of the relative, caused widespread concern in the society. How to effectively exercise the right of administrative punishment has become a hot topic in modern society common concern. In this paper, I will detail to introduce several cases of abuse of administrative fines, and from the improvement of administrative legislation, establish and perfect the administrative penalty discretion of Liang Quanji And so on several aspects of their own simple solution.

    Key words: administrative penalty; discretion; reasonable restriction

    目 录

    一、行政罚款自由裁量权当前存在的弊端 1

    (一)与立法配套的相关解释文件等缺少具体规定 1

    (二)执法不严、程序不全 1

    (三)司法监督缺乏对合理性审查的全面性 2

    二、造成当前行政罚款自由裁量权弊端的原因 2

    (一)行政执法体制存在不合理的现象 2

    (二)行政处罚自由裁量权的空间过大 3

    (三)行政罚款程序缺乏具体规定 3

    (四)行政不确定概念被滥用 4

    (五)行政执法人员水平高低不一 4

    三、解决以上问题的具体措施 4

    (一)完善行政立法 4

    (二)建立健全行政罚款裁量权基准制度 5

    (三)规范行政罚款自由裁量权 5

    (四)提高执法人员的素质和能力 5

    (五)强化对执法人员责任追究 6

    (六)加强对行政罚款自由裁量权的监督 6

    参考文献 7

    致谢 8


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