    毕业论文关键词:  建筑火灾;人员疏散;疏散时间;Pathfinder
    Research on Occupant Evacuation in Buildings Based on Pathfinder
    Abstract: Nowadays, the building fires have become one of the most serious disasters in the society, which has threaten to personal safety and property around the world in our day-to-day life. Therefore, in order to enable more people survived, the issue of occupant evacuation has attracted more and more attention from all over the world because the evacuation is one of the important parts of when people deal with the building fires. Since occupants evacuation in case of fire is a complicated procedure which involving a variety of factors, and building structure and personal characteristics are the major factors of it. After consulting the relevant literature, this paper study the effects and law of evacuation caused by a variety of factors based on basic theory by using Pathfinder, such as the form of doors, the position of the door, the width of door, occupant density, the change of  proportions of men and women and proportion of people under different ages. In addition, setting the 12th dormitory of a certain university as a study object, using Pathfinder to simulate occupants evacuation in this building in the case of fire and comparing the results of simulation with the empirical formula, it can be found that the difference of these results is a little, thus the results of simulation has a certain significance to safety evacuation.
    Keywords:building fire ;occupant evacuation;evacuation time;Pathfinder
     目  录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景及意义    1
    1.2    国内外人员疏散研究现状    1
    1.2.1    国外人员疏散研究现状    1
    1.2.2    国内人员疏散研究现状    2
    1.3    研究目标    7
    1.4    论文结构    7
    2    人员疏散基础理论    8
    2.1    火灾情况下人员疏散行为    8
    2.1.1    非适应性行为    8
    2.1.2    恐慌行为    8
    2.1.3    重返并再次进入行为    9
    2.1.4    穿过烟气行为    9
    2.2    人员特性对于疏散的影响    9
    2.2.1    年龄    9
    2.2.2    性别    10
    2.2.3    身体状况    10
    2.2.4    人员之间关系    10
    2.2.5    文化程度    10
    2.2.6    对所处场所的熟悉程度    10
    2.2.7    是否经历过火灾或接受过疏散演习    10
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