




    In the project construction activities, the owner of the managed object is a project conceived from the beginning until the end of the project life cycle operational project management, including the contents of the project pre-planning, engineering design, engineering, planning, financing , construction management, and the final completion of the project's sales and operations management, and repay the loan and other activities. In the project construction activities, the owner plays a role in the overall coordination, project management is the core of its construction project management level and efficiency largely determines the success of the project. Therefore, the owner good project management planning is significant.

        This paper describes the basic theory of project management planning and basic ideas, based on the analyzes and summarizes the Owner project management planning processes, project management planning for the problems, the system compiled project owners side management knowledge, skills , skills, and further proposed for China's current construction project management methods and means. Finally, with engineering examples, through practical project management plan for the project, formed a set of the owner of the real estate development project management operations planning program files. In order to serve more Owner project management planning and engineering practice some reference material.

    Keyword:Owners;project management planning;life cycle

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 2

    1.1.1 传统项目管理发展阶段 2

    1.1.2 现代项目管理阶段 2

    1.1.3 课题研究的意义 3

    1.1.4 本课题的研究内容 4

    第二章 业主方工程项目管理规划体系 5

    2.1 业主方工程项目管理规划体系概述 5

    2.1.1 业主方工程项目管理规划的定义 5

    2.1.2 业主方工程项目管理规划的主要内容 5

    2.1.3 业主方工程项目管理的目标 6

    2.2 业主方工程项目管理的理论基础 7

    第三章  业主方工程项目管理规划的编制 9

    3.1 工程项目管理规划的主要内容和编制依据

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