关键词 绩效评估制度公平 员工周边绩效 主管信任 19360
Title The study of the relationship between performance evaluation justice and Contextual performance
And improve the management level in the organization, management thought constantly update today, the level of organization of human resources management to enhance organizational managers become very concerned about the content. In the performance evaluation system for domestic and foreign equity and basic theoretical research on the periphery of performance, this paper domestic companies 190 employees for the study questionnaire, according to the status of employees, discussed the organizational performance assessment system is fair and organizational performance peripherals staff relations, and to study the impact of regulation in charge of trust between the two pairs. The results show that a sense of fairness and performance evaluation of staff in charge of trust surrounding the performance of employees positively predict. In addition, the positive charge of the trust can adjust performance evaluation system is fair and peripheral performance relationship. Finally, this paper presents the results based management practices of revelation.
Key words: performance evaluation justice Contextual performance Performance Trust in supervisor
目 次
1引言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 2
1.3研究方法 3
2理论回顾 3
2.1绩效评估制度公平相关理论回顾 3
2.2员工周边绩效相关理论回顾 4
3研究假设 6
3.1绩效评估制度公平对员工周边绩效的影响 6
3.2主管信任对评估制度公平与周边绩效关系的调节作用 7
3.3模型建立 8
4研究设计 8
4.1数据样本和变量测量 8
4.2信度检验 11
4.3描述性统计与相关性分析 11
5实证研究结果 12
6研究结论与建议 16
6.1研究结论 17
6.2基于研究结论提出的建议 17
6.3研究局限 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录 22
表4-1 样本的基本情况..9
表4-2 样本处理汇总..11
表4-3 信度检验..12
表4-4 各变量的均值、标准差与Pearson相关系数(N=190)..12
表5-1 线性回归分析结果 模型汇总....13
表5-2 线性回归分析结果 系数....14
表5-3 线性回归分析结果 模型汇总....14
表5-4 线性回归分析结果 系数....14
表5-5 线性回归分析结果 模型汇总....14
表5-6 线性回归分析结果 Anovad...15
表5-7 线性回归分析结果 系数....16
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