    毕业论文关键词: C2C;购买行为理论;影响因素
    Study on Influence Factors of Consumer Behavior In the C2C
    Abstract:In order to C2C e-commerce model get better development in the future , this paper will be to study on the background of C2C mode and use of literature search, research, and information obtained theoretical data, and combined with the actual situation, which were analyzed. First, by studying the characteristics of C2C mode and network theory of consumer buying behavior, summarized buying behavior theory in the C2C mode and collected data through questionnaires, syudy on influence factors of consumer behavior in the C2C. Secondly, under the combined findings and C2C mode consumer buying behavior theory, study on the key influence factors of consumer behavior in the C2C and the classification analysis, according to data and actual , studying on influence factors in the C2C utility analysis. Finally, according to the characteristic of C2C and the result of influence factors of consumer behavior in the C2C, makeing recommendations to the C2C platform provider.
    KeyWords: C2C; Purchasing Behavior Theory; Influencing Factors
    一.绪论    1
    1.1研究的问题    1
    1.2研究的意义和目的    1
    1.2.1研究的意义    1
    1.2.2研究的目的    1
    1.3研究的方法    1
    1.3.1文献综述研究法    1
    1.3.2问卷调研    2
    1.3.3实证分析    2
    1.4研究的思路    2
    二.文献综述    3
    2.1国内研究现状    3
    2.2国外研究现状    3
    2.3文献评述    4
    三.C2C模式下消费者购买行为的影响因素    5
    3.1相关概念界定    5
    3.1.1 C2C模式概念    5
    3.1.2 C2C模式下消费者购买特征    5
    3.2 C2C模式下影响消费者购买行为的关键因素分析    8
    3.2.1 产生购买意愿    9
    3.2.2 实际购买行为    11
    3.2.3 购后行为    11
    3.3 C2C模式下影响消费者购买行为因素分类分析    12
    3.3.1 产品因素    13
    3.3.2 售后服务    14
    3.3.3 购买流程    14
    3.3.4 网络安全    14
    3.3.5 物流服务    15
    3.3.6 购买体验    15
    3.3.7 支付流程    15
    3.3.8 CRM客户关系管理    16
    四.C2C模式下影响消费者购买行为的因素的效用分析    17
    4.1产品因素、网络安全与物流服务对消费者产生购买意愿的效用分析    17
    4.1.1 产品保障与价格优势刺激消费者产生购买意愿    17
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