    毕业论文关键词: 社工;农民工子女;教育;生活环境
    Path of social worker taking care of migrant children in X community, Shishi
    Abstract:The end of last century, a large number of migrant workers moved into the economically-developed areas, even with families moving in , which added spicy to the local society and made a positive contribution to the city's economical development. At the same time, the problems of migrant workers moving into cities are growing; how to take care of migrant children had became the common concern on the government and the society. The Eighteen National People’s Congress put forward the new urbanization strategy, which essence was the urbanization of people. Taking care of migrant children start being a part of the new urbanization strategy. Through a comprehensive analysis of relevant literature writings at home and abroad, combined with the theory of social work with adolescents, the use of in-depth interviews to learn about the basic circumstances of migrant children and the current situation of taking care of migrant children in Shishi X community, the article is to explore the reasons of problems on migrant children. In the mean time, through analyzing the background characteristics of today's information field survey data and having adequate arguments, this article try to explore the path about how social workers take care of migrant children.
    Keywords: Social worker; migrant children
     目  录
    绪 论    1
    一、研究背景    2
    二、关爱农民工子女路径研究概述    3
    (一) 农民工子女的内涵    3
    (二) 农民工子女的问题研究    3
    (三) 解决农民工子女问题的对策    4
    (四) 文献综述与本文观点    5
    三、理论架构与研究方法    5
    (一) 理论架构    5
    (二) 研究方法    6
    四、有关农民工子女状况的访谈概述    8
    (一) 受访农民工子女的基本情况    8
    (二) 关爱农民工子女的现状    11
    (三) 农民工子女存在的问题    12
    五、农民工子女问题的原因分析    14
    (一) 政策因素    14
    (二) 学校因素    14
    (三) 家庭因素    15
    751、社工关爱农民工子女的路径    16
    (一) 家庭方面    16
    (二) 学校方面    16
    (三) 社区方面    17
    致  谢    19
    参考文献    20
    附 录    21
    附录1:农民工的访谈提纲    21
    附录2:学校教师的访谈提纲    23
    附录3:农民工子女的访谈提纲    24
    绪 论
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