    关键字: 图书发行; 渠道; 民营书店; 网上书店.
    Book distribution channels construction
    Abstract: Under the atmosphere of rapid growing internet age,as a special commodity,books were the shortage of  products but now they are oversupplied, ways to get books are changing. Xinhua bookstore and private bookstores were given priority to books.  Due to the emergence of the online bookstores, consumers choose books in the entity bookstores, and then buy books in the Internet. New pattern of consumption appear. The existence of bookstores can improve the quality of urban residents. Bookstore is an important way to promote and shape a city's cultural temperament, and it is an urban cultural landmark. Online bookstore with its unlimited cheaper price and convenience won a lot of market share, while private bookstore meet a large number of failures due to funding problems. As well as the main distributor of construction management, the problem between the publishing houses and bookstores still exists. The main past of the channel is changed into the distributors. The interest relationship between publishers and distributors is unreasonable. Lack of effective communication leads to the imbalance between supply and demand, publishers’ unfair treatment for the network bookstores and entity bookstores makes the market mechanism disorder. The relationship problems between publishers and shops should be solved.
    This article attempts to put forward reasonable countermeasures through the related analysis research, and make sure the harmonious development of the entity bookstores and online bookstores, and equality and mutual benefit between publishers and distributors.
    Keywords: book distribution; channels; private bookstore; online bookstore.
    目 录
    导语    1
    一、图书发行渠道格局    1
    二、现有的问题及其危害    3
    三、渠道建设管理    5
    结语    8
    参考文献    9
    致谢    10
    导 语
    今年的4月4日晚,上海陕西南路地铁站的季风书店继美罗城店、复兴路店、静安寺店、来福士店关门后,也正式关张谢客。在上海经营了16年之久的季风书店曾有过8家门店,累计销售额超过2.4亿元,但因为各种问题现在仅剩两家。季风的遭遇是近年中国民营书店经营状况的一个缩影。风入松、季风书店、三联书屋等作为北上广这三个大都市的文化地标相继陷入倒闭关门的尴尬。据不完全统计,仅2007年到2009年,中国民营书店就减少了10000家。 在消费者的购书习惯日渐转向“在实体书店选书,在网络书店购书”的今天,大批的民营书店情况堪虞。民营书店面临倒闭潮的同时网络书店却吸引了大批的购买者。不为房租所困的网络书店,无限制的折扣引发了此起彼伏的电商大战。2012年3月当当网宣布至3月15日,40万种图书5折封顶,京东商城则在两小时之后推出了比当当更便宜、折扣更高的图书促销,从而开启了一场电商大战的序幕。4月份,当当网又连续三天以最高五折额价格销售50万种畅销书5折封顶。6月份,京东和亚马逊在同一天以满300元减100元的优惠竞争。在这样的电商大战下,2012,当当网的图书音像类产品的营收为32.5亿元,占总营收的63%。单当当一家就有如此多的销量,可见消费者购书习惯已偏向了便宜便捷的网店。与此同时,2012年全国书业整体销售额约为460亿,比2011年仍然增长了接近10%,而网络书店的销售额高达130亿,占到了总销售额的三分之一。
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