
    摘要移动支付、云计算、大数据等现代信息技术正在悄然改变着我们生活的方式,使市场环境、服务模式和主体需求发生巨大改变。顺应市场趋势,阿里推出了余额宝,唤起了全民理财意识,潜在理财需求被激发,互联网企业纷纷涉足金融领域,引发诸多商业模式变革,理财类APP就是其中一种,是移动互联网与金融相结合的一种全新业态。理财类APP因其具有的便捷、收益高等特点深受人们追捧,但是目前相关监管缺位,法律不健全,理财类APP 行业整体不成熟。我们要理性看待市面上层出不穷的理财类APP。48466



    Abstract The modern information technologies, like mobile payment, cloud computing, big data, etc, are changing the lifestyle of people. And make a great change in market environment, service model, main requirements. Comply with the change of era, Alibaba Group launched Yu Ebao, which arounses the awareness of finance and finance requirement, internet firms get into finance field one by one, which caused a lot of business model change. finance apps are one of them, which is a new formats, combining internet and finance. Finance apps are popular by most people, because of their convenience and high profits. But at present, relevant regulation is absent, law is imperfect, finance app industry is immature overall. We should treat them rationally.

    In this paper, the study focused on the new financial model-------finance app, based on mobile internet era. This paper firstly state the theory basis of business model, from the view of deal structure, reach five elements of business model: operation system, location, structure of cash flow, profit model, critical resource, with which, analyzing three representatives of finance apps: Wa Cai, JiMu HeZi, Tong BanJie. Finally,make comparison analysis on the three representatives, reach their characters. And provide certain reference for people, when they chose suitable finance app.

    Keywords: finance apps;deal structure;business model


    1.绪论 5

    1.1选题背景及问题提出 5

    1.1.1选题背景 5

    1.1.2问题提出 5

    1.2研究的目的及意义 6

    1.3文献综述 6

    1.3.1国内研究现状 6

    1.3.2国外研究现状 7

    1.4研究内容和方法 8

    1.4.1研究内容 8

    1.4.2研究方法 8

    1.4.3 研究逻辑与文章框架 9

    2.商业模式研究的理论基础 9

    2.1商业模式概念 10

    2.2商业模式构成要素研究 11

    2.2.1国内外商业模式构成要素研究 11

    2.2.2基于交易结构的商业模式构成要素研究 11


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