    The convergence of Internet and finance, making financial Internet rapid development, and as a financial insurance industry, one of the three pillars, and constantly seek development opportunities in the Internet. How to evaluate the performance of electronic commerce become a crucial question. Peter drucker said: "don't know how to evaluate don't know how to management". Therefore evaluation of the importance of management. The current Internet insurance rapid rise, many insurance companies set foot on the Internet, this paper discussed the insurance enterprise performance evaluation of e-commerce, in combination with the balanced scorecard, to evaluate the actuality of insurance companies, to establish a comprehensive evaluation system of sustainable development.
    For index build module, the author of the reading of vast amount of literature and sums up their good place, and through the logical analysis of the balanced scorecard, to include the indicators in a particular system within the framework. Finally, the author through the internship experience in the enterprise, use system framework for all aspects of the analysis, and finally countermeasures and Suggestions is given. Suggestions for other development degree of different insurance companies also have certain reference.
    Key words:the balanced scorecard;e-commerce performance;insurance companies;analytic hierarchy process (ahp)
    1引言    4
    1.1 选题的背景    4
    1.2 选题的意义    4
    1.3 研究方法    4
    2 文献综述    4
    2.1 国外关于绩效评价理论研究    4
    2.2 平衡计分卡理论    5
    2.3 电子商务绩效评价研究    6
    2.4 保险业务绩效评价研究    6
    3 基于平衡计分卡的保险公司电子商务绩效评价体系构建    7
    3.1  保险公司电子商务指标设计的原则    7
    3.2  基于平衡计分卡的电子商务绩效评价指标体系    7
    3.2.1 财务纬度    7
    3.3.3 内部流程纬度    8
    3.2.2 客户纬度    10
    3.3.4 学习与成长纬度    11
    3.3 基于平衡计分卡的保险公司绩效评价体系    12
    3.4 指标逻辑关系图    13
    3.5 结合层次分析法的评价指标权重计算    14
    3.5.1 构造判断矩阵    14
    3.5.2 计算权向量    15
    3.5.3 一致性检验    16
    3.6  结合层次分析法的评价指标权重计算结果    16
    4.2 D公司电子商务绩效评价及存在的问题    17
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