


    Abstract :As a traditional generation after generation replacement, new generation of migrant workers has gradually become the concerns of the government and the social from all walks of life, however, the current various authority, according to the average marriage age of the new generation of migrant workers has been greatly higher than that of traditional migrant workers,  new generation migrant workers are at the marriage of the golden age , along with the time development with their opinions about love and personal living environment of the change and change, mainly with the study of dating new generation migrant workers’ view, Their questions on a personal level of age for marriage is on the high side, purpose and criteria of different loves. Family level of family economic conditions on the dilemma of their marriage, main performance for the parents support problem and dating costs brought about by the pressure. The society level is the enterprise working time and environment, and salary makes them dating narrow range of on any account, sexual selection, narrowing the scope. 

    Keywords:new generation of migrant worker;view of marriage,view of love

    目 录

    1 前言 4

    1.1 研究综述 4

    1.2 研究的目的和意义 5

    2 研究方法和研究对象 6

    2.1 研究思路 6

    2.2 测量工具和研究方法 6

    2.3 研究对象 6

    3 样本分析 7

    3.1 样本人口特征 7

    3.2 样本婚恋观现状 8

    4 样本数据分析 10

    4.1 婚恋压力的相关分析 10

    4.2 交叉分析 11

    5 婚恋困境原因分析 13

    5.1 结婚年龄高 13

    5.2 职业限制 14

    5.3 生活成本高 14

    5.4 对婚恋对象的要求提高 14

    结论 15

    参考文献 16

    致谢 17

    附录 18

    1 前言



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