
    摘要:物联网是互联网的应用拓展,与其说物联网是网络,不如说物联网是业务和应用。因此,应用创新是物联网发展的核心,以用户体验为核心的创新2.0是物联网发展的灵魂。物联网及移动泛在技术的发展,使得技术创新形态发生转变,以用户为中心、以社会实践为舞台、以人为本的创新2.0形态正在显现,实际生活场景下的用户体验也被称为创新2.0模式的精髓。物联网已经近在咫尺,物物之间的对话已经开始,更多的信息、更有趣的功能被整合到产品和服务中,随着企业对这种演化趋势认同的深入,这种对话将会越来越多,物联网的商业潜力也将得到进一步激发,将物联网应用于工业智能机器人或智能家居机器人并找到发展的切入点将成为拥有广阔前景的产业。 57640



    Study of Marketing Strategy under the background of things based intelligent robot industry

    Things to expand the application of the Internet, things are not so much a network, as it is a business and networking applications. Thus, the application of innovation is the core of the development of things to the user experience as the core of innovation 2.0 is the development of things the soul. Things and mobile ubiquitous in the development of technology, making innovation morphogenetic changes, user-centric, social practice for the stage, people-centered innovation 2.0 forms are emerging, the user experience real-life scenarios also known as innovation 2.0 mode essence. Things have been in close proximity, dialogue has begun between the physical objects, more information and more interesting features are integrated into the products and services, such as business-to-evolutionary trend of identity depth, this dialogue will more and more, the commercial potential of the Internet of things will also further stimulate the networking of intelligent robots for industrial robots or smart home and find the entry point for development will become a promising industry.

    Things smart industry prospects, but the domestic manufacturing industry is still in the transition period, the demand for smart devices need to be further tapped. In the present case, the domestic network of new biological background intelligent robot research and development in the world's leading companies on how strong the giants under technology find their own path of development becomes particularly important.

    KeyWords: Things; robot; Industry 4.0; technological revolution


    一、绪论 1

    (一) 研究的背景及意义 1

    1、 研究的背景 1

    2、 研究的意义 1

    (二)研究的方法 2

    (三)研究的主要内容 2

    (四)研究的思路和框架 4

    (五)相关理论及文献综述 4

    1、物联网的概念梳理 4

    2、物联网对企业营销的影响的相关理论梳理 5

    3、物联网的相关理论综述 5

    二、物联网背景下工业机器人产业的对比分析 7


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