




    Moral hazard in medical insurance and its preventive measures in our country

    Abstract: The risk of moral hazard in medical insurance is medical institutions are facing a one of the most important risks. The study is to find out the root cause of lead to moral hazard, which produced some of the reasons for the risk of moral hazard, these reasons have vulnerabilities that policy at the same time .So as to put forward the corresponding prevention advice, balance reduce growth in medical costs, make the allocation of resources to achieve the optimal state of medical institutions, improve the utilization of limited resources, prevent the excessive use of healthcare resources.

    In this paper, in the field of medical insurance in China supplier and buyer's moral hazard problem as the research object. Outside of moral hazard in social medical insurance research, on the basis of applying the management, sociology, economics and so on .Of the relevant theory, the prescriptions in the field of social medical insurance the moral hazard problem for points analysis, through mining the prescriptions and risk for the moral reveal the deep mechanism of the supplier and buyer's moral hazard in medical insurance.

    Performance, such as moral hazard induced by the supplier as the doctor prescribed some over-prescribing drugs, and excessive examination and for the interests of the existence of drugs. At the buyer's level, there is excess demand, insurance fraud, the phenomenon such as a card holders were put forward in view of the above phenomenon, from the doctor salary structure change payment, drug policy reform, reform and regulatory reform put forward aimed at the supplier's recommendations to prevent moral hazard of medical treatment insurance. From system, technology, supervision and punishment aspects according to buyer's Suggestions to prevent the risk of moral hazard.

    Key words: Medical insurance ; The risk of moral hazard ; Preventive measures


    一、绪论 1

    (一) 道德风险的概念及表现形式 1

    1、 道德风险的概念 1

    2、 表现形式 1

    (二) 道德风险产生的影响 2

    (三) 研究目的 2

    (四) 研究意义 2

    二、研究方法 3

    (一) 文献研究 3

    (二) 实证研究

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