
    摘要改革开放三十多年来,我国的社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,而且这一变化仍在持续。以社区为例,作为城市的基本组成单元,已经发展成为城市赖以生存和发展的基础,且随着我国城市管理体制的不断深化,其在城市和基层单位中的作用也已日益凸显出来。事实上,从 20世纪 80 年代中期开始,我国已经开始对城市社区管理模式进行探索,特别是进入 90 年代以后探索的力度更大,到了党的十七大以后,我国社区建设已经被国家和社会提升到了前所未有的高度。总体而言,我国自开展城市社区试点工作至今,已有多年,其已经由以往的“单位人”转变成了“社会人”的角色。当前,我国正处于社会转型期,城市社区管理体制也正在发生转型,直接面临着新旧体制共处的局面,如此形势下矛盾重重。基于此,文章将以Y地区为例,就我国城市社区管理中所存在的问题进行深入分析探讨,同时针对所存在的问题提出一系列的优化对策。64025

    关键词  社区;城市社区;管理体制

    毕业论文外 文 摘 要

    Title  Problems and countermeasure research of urban community  management in our country - In order to Y area as an example          

    Abstract For over 30 years of reform and opening-up, great changes have taken place in our society, and it continues to change. Community, for example, the basic composition unit of the city, has become a city relies for survival and development foundation, and along with the deepening of urban management system, its role in the city and grassroots units have also been increasingly highlighted. In fact, starting in the mid - 1980 - s, our country has begun to explore the urban community management model, especially into the 90 s after exploring the larger efforts, the party's 17th, community construction in China has been the state and society to unprecedented heights. Overall, since urban community pilot work in our country, for many years, it has already by the past "unit people" into the role of "social person". At present, our country is in social transition period, urban community management system also is undergoing transformation, directly facing the situation of coexistence of old and new system, such a situation of contradictions. Based on this, the article will take the Y area as an example, the urban community management in China is in the thorough analysis, this paper discusses the problems, and aimed at the problems puts forward a series of optimization countermeasures. 

    Keywords  Community; Urban community; The management system 

    目  录

    1 引言 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 1

    1.3 研究现状 1

    2 城市社区管理相关概念分析 3

    2.1 社区与城市社区管理 3

    2.2 城市社区管理的作用 4

    3 Y地区社区管理现状及所存在的问题 5

    3.1 Y地区社区管理现状 5

    3.2 Y地区社区管理所存在的问题 6

    4 Y地区社区管理所出现问题的原因分析 9

    4.1受我国的传统政治经济体制影响深重 9

    4.2社区管理的相关法律法规仍不健全 9

    4.3居民对社区居委会认识模糊 9


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