

    毕业论文关键词: 女性就业;影响;二胎政策

    The Influence of Second Child Fertility on Female Employment in HBW Company in Shanghai

    Abstract:2015 eighth session of the Fifth Plenary Session communique pointed out that the implementation of a comprehensive two-child policy, declared part of our families choose a second child birth. In this article, through interviews with Shanghai HBW company's related employees, analyze the impact of two births of female employment. Through the study found that fertility for women on job hunting, promotion and family care has a great impact. The main reason for this is that women have two rest of giving birth, so that increase the cost of company and the company do not like female employee. Second, the energy and ability can’t be as energetic as before giving a birth, managers do not want to promote the female. Third, after the birth of the second child, women had to take care of children and families, and thus give up their work. For these problems, the first one is to extend the male "maternity leave" length and increase the implementation of the intensity. The second is to develop a sound law to protect the rights of women. Third, the government should introduce more favorable policies for women to be hired.

    Key Word:Female Employment; Influence; Second Child Policy

    目 录

    一、 绪论 1

    (一) 研究缘起 1

    (二) 文献综述 1

    (三) 核心概念的界定 2

    (四) 研究方案 2

    二、 生育二胎对女性就业的影响的现状 3

    (一) 未育二胎女性求职和选择之不易 3

    (二) 已育二胎女性家庭和工作之矛盾 4

    三、生育二胎对女性就业的影响的归因分析 4

    (一) 男性用工成本低于女性 4

    (二) 很难回到生育前的状态 5

    (三) 女性生育后要面临双重责任 6

    四、 生育二胎所造成的困境相应的解决对策 7

    (一) 男性假期的设立和实行 7

    (二) 相关法律的建立和完善 7

    (三) 政府部门的补贴和引导 8

    五、 总结与讨论

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