


    A Study on The Impact of Performance Evaluation on Team Success

    Abstract: as China's enterprises increasingly fierce competition, strengthen the team construction of the enterprise is very seriously, and the performance evaluation and construction team together, will be conducive to the promotion of team success, but some companies do not have to pay attention to. This paper stands in the team perspective, on how to better carry out the work of team performance evaluation is studied, with the marketing team of XX company as a case, from yesterday to clear team goals, team play together, four aspects of the inpidual role, reflect the team value, proposed the influence on team success in the performance evaluation; based on the analysis of the situation of performance evaluation of XX company's marketing team success perspective, there are performance evaluation objectives is not clear enough, the content is relatively simple, the index is not system, model comparison problems. Based on this, put forward to strengthen the performance evaluation of strategic target, content persity, index system and model innovation of the four aspects of the optimization strategy, designed for XX enterprise and other similar enterprises to better carry out marketing team performance evaluation of reference.

    Key words: performance evaluation; team building; team success; influencing factors

    目   录

    前言 1

    一、课题涉及的理论 2

    (一)绩效评估理论 2

    1. 绩效评估的内涵 2

    2. 绩效评估的作用 2

    3. 绩效评估的原则 3

    (二)团队建设理论 4

    1. 团队建设的内涵 4

    2. 团队建设的价值 4

    二、绩效评估对团队成功的影响分析 6

    (一)有利于明确团队目标 6

    (二)有利于形成团队合力 6

    (三)有利于发挥个人作用 7

    (四)有利于体现团队价值 7

    三、XX公司营销团队成功视域下绩效评估存在的问题 9

    (一) XX公司概况 9

    (二)XX公司营销团队绩效评估现状 9

    1. 营销团队绩效评估的流程 9


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