    毕业论文关键词: 磷脂类表面活性剂;卵磷脂;多重结构
    The Preparation Techniques Of Multiple Emulsion Formed By Surfactant Phospholipids
    Abstract: This research mainly studied the preparation techniques of Multiple Emulsion formed by surfactant phospholipids, screened and selected the types of lecithin and fats, and drafted the formula. The experiment results showed that 318 lipids formed the multiple emulsions with the most regular and clear structures. After this, the influence of the preparation techniques including the homogeneity time and the emulsifying temperature on the multiple structures was studied, and the results showed that the longer emulsifying temperature was used, the smaller particles of multiple structures were formed, with the homogeneity time as 4 minutes; and that there was no solid particles adherent on the agitator blades with the emulsifying temperature higher than 90℃. Then, the influences of additives such as polyols on the multiple structures and system liquidity, and the influences of compound emulsifiers, water-soluble fats and solid fats on the multiple structures were studied. The results showed that the emulsifiers EM90 and 202 could facilitate the formation of the multiple structures. In the end, to reduce the particle size of the multiple structures and to increase the amount of the multiple structures, the ultrasound was used for 2 minutes after changing the technique homogeneity, the amount of lecithin was increased, and the fats and co-emulsifiers were also gradually increased.
    KeyWords: surfactant phospholipids; lecithin and fats; Multiple Emulsion
    目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  本课题国内外研究现状概述    1
    1.1.1  多重结构乳状液的定义    1
    1.1.2  多重结构乳状液的历史背景    1
    1.2  多重结构乳状液的稳定性因素    1
    1.3  多重结构乳状液的常用制备方法    3
    1.4  本课题的研究目的和意义    5
    2  实验内容    6
    2.1  实验原料与设备    6
    2.1.1  实验原料    6
    2.1.2  实验所用设备    7
    2.2  实验方法    7
    2.2.1  样品的制备方法    7
    2.2.2  均质乳化方法    7
    2.2.3  显微镜的观察方法    8
    3  实验结果与讨论    9
    3.1  卵磷脂形成多重结构乳状液的制备技术初探    9
    3.1.1  初拟配方    9
    3.1.2不同卵磷脂的浓度对多重结构形成的影响    9
    3.2 制备工艺对多重结构形成的影响    10
    3.2.1 均质时间    10
    3.2.2 温度    12
    3.3  单一种类添加剂对体系流动性和形成多重结构的影响    12
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