    关键词: 造纸废水;色度;废水处理工艺;化学氧化;吸附
    The Study Using Complex Procedures on Chroma Wastewater
    Abstract:Papermaking wastewater should be treated with multi-technique to reach discharge standard and decrease the cost because of its complicated components, higher pollutant concentration and bad biodegradability. Nowadays, we use sedimentation, adsorption, membrane separation, treatment methods, and several types of process integration approach to treat the papermaking wastewater. The research status of papermaking treatment techniques was introduced. The application and working mechanism of variety treatment methods in advanced papermaking waste water treatment were discussed. This paper reviews the influence of activated carbon quantity and H2O2, NaClO, reaction time etc on decolorization efficiency of papermaking wastewater.
    With a great deal of measuring data of color, Results showed that under optimal condition when the value of PH, reaction time and H2O2 dosage were 5, 50 min and 2ml/400ml wastewater respectively, removal efficiencies of 33.33% could be obtained for chroma  when the value of PH, reaction time and NaClO dosage were 5, 50 min and 2ml/400ml wastewater respectively, removal efficiencies of 53.33% could be obtained for chroma ;when the value of PH, running time were 5,2ml/min respectively, removal efficiencies of 84.62% could be obtained for chroma.
    Key words:  Papermaking Wastewater;Chroma;Wastewater Treatment Process;Chemical Oxidation;Adsorption
     目 录
    1 绪论.1
    1.1 综述    1
    1.1.1 色度    2
    1.1.2 造纸废水    4
    1.1.3 处理工艺现状    5
    1.2本课题的研究意义与研究内容    9
    1.2.1课题的研究意义    9
    1.2.2研究内容    10
    2 实验材料与方法.12
    2.1实验材料    12
    2.1.1 造纸废水采集    12
    2.1.2 实验试剂    12
    2.1.3 实验分析仪器    12
    2.2活性炭吸附法    12
    2.2.1 实验原理    12
    2.2.2实验装置    13
    2.2.3实验方法    13
    2.3 化学氧化法    14
    2.3.1 实验原理    14
    2.3.2实验装置    14
    3 实验结果与分析16
    3.1 化学氧化法    16
    3.1.1 双氧水氧化法    16
    3.1.2次氯酸钠氧化法    18
    3.2 活性炭吸附法    20
    3.3 去除效果比较    22
    3.3.1化学氧化剂的比较    22
    3.3.2不同处理方法的最佳方案去除率比较    23
    4 结论24
    致 谢…..25
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