摘要:为了解市高中生焦虑情绪现状及其影响因素,通过对二高231名学生的焦虑情绪现状和影响因素进行调查研究,进而对其焦虑情绪的缓解提供方法上的参考。本次调查中采用焦虑自评量表( SAS)和焦虑情绪影响因素调查表,对二高学生采取分层随机取样进行问卷调查。结果显示,调查中的231名学生中有焦虑情绪的72人,检出率为31.16%;其中轻度焦虑58人,检出率为25.26%,中重度焦虑18人,检出率为7. 89%; 高中生焦虑情绪平均分为( 45. 94±9.57)分;高三学生焦虑情绪检出率及得分均高于高一及高二学生(P<0.05)。市高中学生焦虑情绪普遍存在,应引起社会各界的广泛重视。男生与女生焦虑情绪得分差异均无统计学意义,高三学生焦虑情绪相对普遍。 31165
毕业论文关键词: 高中生; 焦虑; 影响因素
The Study of Hgh School Students anxiety status and Causes
The participants were the second grade junior middle school students
Abstract:In order to understand city high school students anxiety status and its influencing factors, by means of 2 high 231 students anxiety and investigation and study, the factors which influence on high school students to alleviate anxiety provide methodological reference.In the survey by the self-assessment lists of anxiety (SAS) and the factors influencing the anxiety questionnaire, on two Gao Xuesheng stratified random sampling questionnaire survey.Results show that the investigation of 231 students have anxiety of 72 people, the detection rate is 31.16%;Among whom 58 are mild anxiety, detection rate of 25.26%, moderately severe anxiety 18 people, detection was 7. 89%;A total average grade in high school students anxiety (45. 94 + / - 9.57) points;High three students anxiety detection rate and score were higher than the high and high school students (P < 0.05). city high school students is widespread anxiety, should arouse extensive attention from all walks of life.The boy and the girl no statistically significant difference were observed in the anxiety score, high three students anxiety is relatively common
Keywords: High school students ; Influencing Factors; Anxiety
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
引言 2
1对象与方法 3
1.1研究对象 3
1.2研究工具 3
1.3施测过程 4
1.4数据采集与分析 4
2调查结果 4
2.1 高中生焦虑总体状况 4
2.2不同年级高中生焦虑状况的比较 5
2.3 不同性别高中生焦虑状况的比较 5
2.4不同家长期望的高中生焦虑状况的比较 6
2.5不同学习成绩高中生焦虑状况的比较 7
3 分析与讨论 7
3.1高中生总体焦虑状况 7
3.2不同年级高中生焦虑状况的分析与讨论 8
3.3不同性别高中生焦虑状况的分析与讨论 8
3.4不同家长期望高中生焦虑状况的分析与讨论 9
3.5学习成绩对高中生焦虑的影响 9
4结论 10
5建议 10
5.1教师要加强对学生的心理疏导 10
5.2家长要避免对孩子不合理的期望 11
5.3学生要调整个体期望,正确的看待学习成绩 11
参考文献 12
附录Ⅰ 13
附录Ⅱ 14
致 谢 16
- 上一篇:大学生主观幸福感现状的调查研究
- 下一篇:初中生考试焦虑和应对方式的关系研究