    The Study on Relationship Between Test Anxiety and Coping Style in Junior High School Students
    Abstract: The thesis is to study the relationship between the examination anxiety and coping styles among junior school students. The purpose of this thesis is to reduce the examination anxiety by making intervention plans and to provide grounds for improving coping styles. The thesis adopts the methods of TAS and SCSQ (Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire to make a research in 150 junior school students in Zhoukou, Henan Province. Results: (1) the detection examination anxiety is 67% and the high degree takes up 39%. (2) there are no significant differences between coping styles and gender nor grade. (3) there are no significant differences between test anxiety and gender nor grade.⑷there are intimate connections between examination anxiety and coping styles. On one hand, positive coping style is negatively correlated with examination anxiety, andr the connection is obvious. On the other hand, negative coping style is positively correlated with examination anxiety, and the connection is remarkable. The experimental results show that adopting positive coping style, examination anxiety remains lower than adopting negative one. (5) there is causative relationship between examination anxiety and coping style. Positive coping styles can reduce teas anxiety,negative coping style can increase the test anxiety.
        Key words: Test anxiety;Coping style ;Junior middle students
    目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract.    1
    前言    2
    1研究设计    3
    1.1研究对象    3
    1.2研究工具    3
    1.3研究过程    4
    2研究结果    4
    2.1 初中学生考试焦虑情况分析    4
        2.2初中学生应对方式情况分析    6
        2.3考试焦虑与应对方式的相关分析    6
        2.4考试焦虑与应对方式的回归分析    7
    3讨论    7
    3.1考试焦虑、应对方式总体论述    7
    3.2考试焦虑与应对方式的关系    8    
    4结论    8
    5研究不足与展望    9
    5.1研究不足    9
    5.2展望    9
    参考文献    10
    附录一    11
    附录二    12
    致谢    12
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