The Investigation about the Mathematics Learning Habit of Low-grade Pupils in Semi-urban Areas
Abstract: With the deepening of quality-oriented education, the elementary school mathematics curriculum standard puts forward the requirements that the mathematics teaching activity should trigger students' mathematical thinking and encourage students having creative thinking and the good mathematics learning habits which is very important in the process of primary school teaching. The problem of students in semi-urban areas about learning habits is prominent which is influenced by society and family. The object of this study is the low-grade pupils of semi-urban areas in Xuzhou. This study aimed at the current situation about the mathematics learning habits of low-grade pupils in semi-urban areas from students' classroom performance and assignment by investigation. The result of this study shows students' problems that the poor morale in class, in the state of passive learning, the bad attitude about assignment and lack of thinking. In view of the problems found during the research, this paper puts forward the effective countermeasures.
Key words: semi-urban areas; low-grade pupils; mathematics learning habits
摘要 1
一、前言 2
二、调查过程与方法 3
(一)调查过程 3
(二)主要研究方法 3
1.观察法 3
2.访谈法 3
3.问卷调查法 3
三、调查结果与分析 3
(一)城乡结合部低年级小学生数学学习习惯的现状分析 3
1.课前准备的习惯 3
2.课上勇于回答问题的习惯 4
3.课上认真做题反馈的习惯 5
4.课后认真书写作业的习惯 5
5.答题认真审题的习惯 6
6.独立完成作业的习惯 7
7.坚持错题订正的习惯 8
(二)城乡结合部低年级小学生数学学习习惯存在的问题 9
1.低年级小学生学习专注力容易分散的问题 9
2.低年级小学生学习状态过于被动的问题 9
3.低年级小学生课后作业敷衍完成的问题 9
4.低年级小学生解题态度过于退缩的问题 10
四、讨论与建议 10
(一)影响小学生数学学习习惯养成的因素 10
1.学生成长的社会环境对学生数学学习习惯养成的影响 10
2.父母的文化水平与对孩子数学学习习惯养成的重视程度 10
3.家长错误的教育观与教育方式对孩子的影响 11
4.教师教育理念以及教学方法的影响 11
5.学生自身主观原因的影响 11
(二)培养低年级小学生良好数学学习习惯的对策 12
- 上一篇:小学作文教学存在的问题和解决策略
- 下一篇:中美小学数学课程标准的比较研究