摘 要:义务教育发展是我国教育改革的首要与核心任务,而教师资源配置又是义务教育改革的重中之重。然而,当前城乡教师资源配置失衡问题已位列我国教育改革的首位。其差异具体表现在教师的专业素养、职称、学历以及专门学科教师数量短缺、师生比等。因此,加大教育资金投入,提高农村教师待遇水平,给予他们专业培训机会,建立合理教师定期流动制度等将成为义务教育下城乡教师资源配置均衡的有效途径。66546
Abstract: Compulsory education development is the first with the core task of education reform in our country, and the teacher resource allocation is the key of the compulsory education reform. However, the current imbalance of urban and rural teachers resource allocation problem has been ranked the first of Chinese educational reform. Their differences embodied in teachers' professional quality, professional title, Record of formal schooling and Specialized subject shortage of science teachers, student-faculty ratios, etc. Therefore, increasing education investment, improving the level of rural teachers treatment, giving their professional training opportunities, establish reasonable teacher regular flow system will become the compulsory education in urban and rural areas teacher balanced allocation of resources effective way.
Keywords: Compulsory education, high quality balanced, teacher resources allocation, investigation and study
目 录
1 前言 4
2.1教师数量总体完善,但是农村教师数量短缺 5
2.2学科结构失衡 5
2.3职称结构差距 6
3 研究方法 7
3.1 文献研究法 7
3.2 调查法 7
4 扬州市城乡义务教育师资配置现状 7
5 城乡教师资源配置的差异分析 8
5.1 师生比的差异 8
5.2 专业素养的差异 8
5.3 专门学科教师数量缺失 9
6 导致城乡教师资源配置差异的原因分析 10
6.1 城乡社会经济发展不均衡 10
6.2 义务教育的政府财政拨款不健全,政策的偏向性 10
6.3 城乡教师收入差距 10
6.4 城乡学校学生生源能力差距明显 11
7 解决城乡教师资源配置差异的建议 11
7.1 加强政府财政投入,完善城乡义务教育经费保障制度 11
7.2 提高教师专业素养 11
7.3 建立鼓励大学生支教农村的政策 12
7.4 建立教师流转制度 12
致 谢 15
附件 16
1 前言