
    摘要: 随着新课程改革在我国的不断深入发展,给传统的小学数学课堂带来了变化和新的内涵。同时也必然对小学数学课堂环境有了更高的要求。良好的小学数学课堂环境,不仅能促进小学生数学学习效率的提高,同时也能有助于学生的社会性发展。因此解决小学数学课堂环境问题至关重要。但是,笔者通过近两个月的实习经历和文献查询,发现当今小学数学课堂在物质环境和社会环境两大方面仍存在不少的问题。笔者分析了这些课堂环境问题形成的原因,并试着给出相应的解决措施。希望能引起教师对课堂环境的重视,也希望能为各位老师在今后解决小学数学课堂环境的问题上提供一些思路。53360


    Abstract: With the new curriculum reform throughout the country from top to bottom off a new wave of curriculum reform, the primary school math classroom has changed a lot in every aspect. These changes of teaching and learning make the higher demand of primary school math classroom environment. The good primary school math classroom environment can improve the students ' mathematical efficiency and it also can contribute to the social development of primary school students. So it is really important for us to help primary school students to solve the problems of the primary school math classroom environment However, On the basis of the two-month internship in primary school and throughout myself research that field survey and literature, there are still many problems in physical classroom environment and social classroom environment .Through in-dept analysis of these problems , I find out the cause of primary school classroom environment problems and try to come up with the solutions for primary school mathematics teachers. I hope that my paper will provoke mathematics teachers’ attention to primary school math classroom environment and provide some ideas on solving classroom environment problems.

    Keywords: new curriculum reform, primary school math, classroom environment


    1 前言 4

    2 小学数学课堂环境存在的问题 4

    2.1 课堂物质环境 4

    2.2课堂社会环境 6

    3 小学数学课堂环境问题产生的原因 8

    3.1社会条件制约 8

    3.2教师课改理念理解不足 8

    3.3教师教育教学能力不足  8

    3.4教师课堂管理能力不足  8

    3.5小学生自我意识较强    8

    4 解决小学数学课堂环境问题的策略 9

    4.1提高教师物质环境的管控能力 9

    4.2 构建平等民主的师生关系 10





    1  前言

    人们通常把课堂环境理解为“影响教学动的开展、质量和效果,并存在于课堂教学过程中的各种物理的、社会的以及心理因素的总和。”[1]据研究表明,良好的课堂环境,不仅表现为它是课堂活动赖以发生的条件和背景,而且表现为积极的促进功能,有助于促进课堂活动效率的提高,还有助于学生社会性的发展。[2] 小学时期是学生身心发展的最为关键关键时期,这个阶段教育质量的好坏足以影响学生的一生。在我国,作为小学重要学科的数学,学生学习数学的主要时间是在课堂上。因此,解决小学数学的课堂环境问题对小学生发展来说显得尤为重要。

    2  小学数学课堂环境存在的问题


    2.1  课堂物质环境

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