
    Abstract Professor Hu Gengshen applied Darwin’s principle of “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest” to translation studies. In 2008, Hu Gengshen further put forward eco-translatology which regards “Translation as adaptation and selection” as its fundamental theory. Eco-translatology lays emphasis on the relationship between translators and translational eco-environment. The thesis tries to have a comparative study on the two Chinese versions of Jane Eyre from the perspective of Eco-translatology. The Two versions that this thesis selects are respectively translated by Li Jiye and Huang Yuanshen, for the time interval of two versions is more than sixty years. The change of ecological environment and its influences on translation activity can be easily seen through comparing the two versions. Through detailed analyses on a large number of examples selected from the two versions, it can be found that the two translators respectively adopt different methods such as literal translation and liberal translation and to a certain extent, have realized the reproduction of the original ecological environment from linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension.59910

    Keywords: Eco-translatology; three dimensions; adaptation and selection; Jane Eyre



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 An Overview on Eco-translatology 1

    2.2 Previous Study on the Translation of Jane Eyre 2

    3. A Comparative Study on the Two English Versions of Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Eco-translatology 4

    3.1 Transformation from Linguistic Dimension 4

    3.2 Transformation from Cultural Dimension 7

    3.3 Transformation from Communicative Dimension 9

    4. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 13

    1. Introduction

    The essence of literary translation lies in its aesthetic creation. As a special form of art creation, literary translation originates from translators’ study and artistic awareness of the original work. Eco-translatology, a new aspect of translation studies, places the translation into the ecological system and takes various dimensions of translation into consideration. It also puts forward a series of applied theories, which are of great importance in translation. Jane Eyre is the representative work of Charlotte Bronte, a famous British female writer in the 19th century. It is widely believed that it is a work with autobiography color. Since its advent, it has always been one of the Britain’s most popular novels. At present, there exist several Chinese versions of Jane Eyre. There are many scholars who study and analyze different versions of Jane Eyre from various perspectives, but few of them have investigated from the perspective of eco-translatology. This thesis will have a take the two versions by Li Jiye and Huang Yuansheng as the study object to conduct a comparative study from this perspective. The whole thesis consists of four parts. Part one presents a brief introduction. Part two is a literature review, which introduces the development of eco-translatology and some of its basic concept. Part three gives a comparative analysis on the examples selected from two versions. The last part draws a conclusion. This thesis is aimed to study how Li Jiye and Huang Yuanshen respectively make adaptation and selection in their translational eco-environment. By comparison, the thesis tries to analyze the two versions from the linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension.

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