

    毕业论文关键词:智力残疾  职业教育

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Evaluation on the impact of vocational education of the youth who are intellectual disabilities ——A case on the special educational schools in Gulou District in Nanjing


    Due to the mental retardation and poor learning ability, they can not be good at choosing their career or having excellent career plans .Also there are many problems in the process of vocational education. Vocational training courses in special education schools have been carried out in order to make young people with intellectual disabilities get more employment opportunities. These courses are mainly based on the investigations of vocational ability, vocational training and employment guidance .The quality of the vocational education curriculum and the degree they accept will directly affect their employment rate. This paper evaluate the actual effect of vocational education in the view of a social worker .By the way of interviews, detailed investigations are carried out in Nanjing special education schools which have vocational education. Then the social workers will evaluate the process and the result of the information got from the survey. Finally they will give suggestions on vocational education in special education schools.

    Keywords  Intellectual disability  Vocational Education 

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  问题的提出 1

    1.2  研究目的与研究意义 1

    文献综述 1

    2.1  国外残疾人职业教育现状 1

    2.2  青少年智力残疾人士职业教育现状 2

    2.3  影响青少年智力残疾人士职业教育发展的因素 3

    3  研究设计 4

    3.1  相关概念界定 4

    3.1.1  青少年 4

    3.1.2  智力残疾 4

    3.1.3  智力残疾人士职业教育 5

    3.1.4  社会工作评估 5

    3.2  研究方法 6

    3.2.1  文献法 6

    3.2.2  访问法 6

    3.3  评估模式——“系统导向”评估 6

    3.3.1  “系统导向”评估分析框架的四个层次 6

    3.3.2  “系统导向”评估框架图

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