


    Abstract: The information technology education is a required course which aims at meeting the rapid development of technology in the information age so that to put forward the new demand for talent training. At present, various parts of the country have carried out the new curriculum reform in junior high school. The concept of the new curriculum requires teachers and students to change the concept of education in information technology courses, and we should keep up with the times. We will explore the application of  “happy teaching” and “happy learning” teaching method in junior high school information technology class, and put forward the teaching principles and methods of happy teaching and learning in the information technology teaching which is analyzed from two aspects of teachers’ happy teaching and students’ happy learning. We want to make the “happiness” run through the whole classroom teaching to stimulate students’ interest in learning. The research of this paper is helpful to improve the teaching effect of junior high school information technology course and promote the reform of information technology class.  

    Keywords: junior high school, information technology course, happy teaching and learning

    目  录

    1  前言 3

    2  乐教与乐学教学法的基本认识 4

    2.1 乐教与乐学的含义 4

    2.2 乐教与乐学的渊源与发展 4

    2.3 乐教与乐学的教学原则 5

    3  初中信息技术课程的学科特点 5

    3.1 发展性 5

    3.2 包容性 5

    3.3 实践性 6

    3.4 实用性 6

    4  乐教在初中信息技术课堂上的实现 6

    4.1 保持积极健康的心态 6

    4.2 坚持终身学习 7

    4.3 主动寻找乐趣 7

    4.4 善于宽容和赏识学生 8

    4.5 善于趣味创作 8

    5  乐学在初中信息技术课堂上的实现 8

    5.1 营造欢乐的教学氛围 8

    5.2 设计生动的导入 9

    5.3 开展特色的主题活动 9

    5.4 穿插有趣的游戏 9

    5.5 给与及时的赞赏 10

    结论 11


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