
    摘 要: 建设社会zhuyi新农村,首先就要培养新型农民。受我国教育资源匮乏且分布不均、国土幅员辽阔等情况影响,我国农民就近就地教育培训不太理想。近年来,现代远程教育因其学习不受时间、地域限制、学习成本较低等特点得到了快速的发展,也为提升农民培训效果注入了活力。通过调查问卷,了解农村现代远程教育的发展情况,分析影响农村远程教育效果的因素,提出加强和改革现代远程教育培训的策略,适应培养新型农民的要求。 借助农村已有现代远程教育和网络教育条件,开拓手机等移动终端服务,构建农村教育信息化的环境,因地制宜,贴近农民,提供优质教育教学资源,构建多元化的现代农民远程教育体系,有效提升农民教育与培训效果。69823


    Abstract:In order to build new socialist countryside, it is the first to cultivate new farmers. Because our country education resource is scarcity and uneven distribution, land and vast, and so on, the transforming for our country farmer education and the training is not very ideal. In recent years, modern distance education, because its learning is not restricted by time and region, cost low characteristic, obtained rapid development, and improve farmers' training effect. Through the questionnaire, understand the development of rural modern distance education, analyze the factors affecting the effect of rural distance education, put forward to strengthen and reform of modern distance education training strategy, to meet the requirements of cultivating new farmers. With rural existing condition of modern distance education and network education, expand the mobile terminal services, such as mobile phone, build the environment of rural education informationization, adjust to local conditions, close to the farmers, to provide quality education teaching resources, build a persified modern farmers remote education system, enhance the  effect of farmers' education and training.

    Keywords:modern distance education,farmers training,network education 


    1 引言 3

    2 现代远程教育的发展 3

    2.1国外远程教育发展 3

    2.2我国现代远程教育的现状 4

    3 基于远程教育的农民培训方式分析 7

    3.1有线电视培训 7

    3.2网络教育培训 8

    3.3移动通信培训 8

    4 有效提升农民培训方式的策略 9

    4.1政府加大投入和政策支持 9

    4.2丰富内容与形式,增强内容的针对性 10

    4.3提高农民参加现代远程教育培训的积极性 11

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    附录 15

    1 引言


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