

    毕业论文关键词:信息时代, 农民培训,信息素养

    Abstract: Information technology is vital support for building the system of technology training for modern peasants. Educating and train peasants must be adapted to the features of the information age. Enhancing their information attainment is of great significance for realizing the great-leap-forward development of the peasants’ educating and training. Currently, our agriculture is at a critical stage, transforming from the traditional agriculture to the modern one. Integrating the means of interview and questionnaire, understanding and analyzing the current situation of information the peasants’ educating and training, studying the factors affecting the improvement of their information attainment, and discussing the feasible ways to advance the process of information the peasants educating and training, these will be helpful references for improving the peasants’ information attainment.

    Keywords: information age, peasants’ training, information attainment


    1 引言 3

    2 农民信息素养状况调查 3

    2.1 调查问卷设计的意义 3

    2.2 调查问卷的设计 3

    2.3 调查问卷的实施 4

    3基于问卷的农民信息素养现状分析 4

    3.1 研究对象的基本特征及其获取信息的基本途径 4

    3.2 农民网络环境下的信息素养状况 6

    3.3农民信息素养存在的问题分析 7

    4 影响农民信息素养提高的相关因素分析 8

    4.1 受教育程度对信息素养、信息意识的影响 8

    4.2 信息资源建设对信息素养的影响 8

    4.3 信息服务质量对信息素养的影响 9

    5 提升农民信息素养的策略与方法 9

    5.1 进一步加强农村信息基础建设力度 9

    5.2 提高农民的信息需求意识,促进信息服务机构健康发展 10

    5.3 加强信息技术学科在基础教育阶段的重要性,促使可持续发展 10

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    附录 14

    1 引言


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