    The Poor Families challenge - life experience, poor cognitive and social distance:50 cases interviews in Shanghai, for example
    Abstract:  As the challenges of poverty, low family, it first mapped directly in the material aspects of life. In the appearance of Poor Families in areas of life, every place has its difficulties. Such as basic necessities, medical insurance, the poor labels and so on. The increasing influence of poverty for them involves many factors. But the real reason for the return to their roots has not yet clearly. Poor Families explore poverty on external development impact is to improve the living environment of low household direct means, but the study of poverty on low impact of the world within the family, but it is outside to the inside depth guaranteeing people will demand microscopic by the way, is the pursuit of the social security system construction with improved social work theory and comprehensive human development point of integration path. From the poor people's life experiences into their self-perception, then the scope of social distance, is to explore the challenges of poverty as a hierarchical progressive thinking hidden world. The reverse over, is to seek the challenges of dynamic factors, is a combination of both macro and micro point to explore the combination of the pressure of poverty.
    Key Words: Hidden world; Hidden world; Challenges of poverty; Life experiences; Poor cognition; Social distance.

    (一)研究背景 1
    (二)问题起源 1
    (三)逻辑起点:作为挑战的贫困 2
    (四)分析视角:作为挑战投射的内心世界 2
    (五)研究路径 3
    二、已有的研究与隐蔽的世界  4
    (二)已有研究的贡献  5
    三、研究方法与概念界定  8
    四、行为范式:隐蔽世界中的生活经验 10
    (一)压迫性行动经验  10
    (三)孤立性行动经验 12
    (四)无奈性行动经验 13
    五、贫困认知:贫困作为挑战的态度选择 15
    (二)乐观态度与理性支配 16
    751、社会距离:社会排斥的镜像与反射 20
    七、社会危机:低保家庭的隔离化、持续化、依赖化趋势 24
    八、小结与讨论:社会意义与制度设计 28
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