    摘要:本课题的主要目的是为了在安卓系统中完成手写识别的公式实现,以此来开发手写公式计算器。此次设计选定运用Android Studio作为开发平台,运用JAVA语言进行编译,在Windows系统上搭建手机模拟器。从输入数字到存储字符,再调用所建立的字库加载到计算器应用程序中使用,以此来实现手写公式的识别,最后打包安装到带有安卓系统的手机中进行真实测试与应用来实现面相安卓平台的手写公式的识别系统,以此来为手写计算器的开发提供便利。
    The development of formula calculator on The Android system    - Handwritten Mathematics Recognition
    The main purpose of this project is to be completed handwriting recognition system in Android system, in order to develop handwriting calculator。
    The design selected using Android Studio as a development platform, using JAVA language compiler, simulator built on a windows system phone。 From the input to the storage of digital characters, and then call the established character is loaded into the application using the calculator, in order to achieve recognition of handwritten formulas, and finally install the package to your phone with Android system and application testing conducted to achieve the true face Android platform formula handwriting recognition system, in order to facilitate the development of hand calculator。
    According to the experiment, the subject of the requested content has been basically achieved, but some are still insufficient, especially in the need for two characters pen in the pen input system is first set to identify the algorithm, or to use a character enter the identification is completed, so the character can not be a full recognition of such a normal life cycle。
    Keywords:    Android System;  Handwritten formula;  Recognition
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    ii
    1    引言    2
    1。1    课题的目的与意义    2
    1。2    国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1。3    发展趋势    2
    1。4    全文设计概述    2
    2    课题涉及概要与分析    2
    2。1    关于JAVA语言    2
    2。1。1    JAVA的起源及概念    2
    2。1。2    JAVA开发环境的搭建    2
    2。2    关于ANDROID    2
    2。2。1    安卓系统的起源及概念    2
    2。2。2    安卓开发环境    2
    2。2。3    安卓平台的优势    2
    2。3    ANDROID与JAVA的联系与区别    2
    2。3。1    联系    2
    2。3。2    区别    2
    2。4    关于手写识别    2
    3    需求分析    2
    3。1    人群需求分析    2
    3。2    份额需求分析    2
    3。3    可靠性需求分析    2
    3。4    扩展性需求分析    2
    4    搭建开发环境与模拟机的实现    2
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