    Image target recognition based on video technology
    Abstract: With the development of science and technology, image recognition as an important research field of computer vision, by people more and more attention. Among them, the video stream and image recognition combined to achieve a specific goal of real-time monitoring, this technology in agricultural production, medical assistance, traffic supervision and other aspects have been widely used. In this paper, the method of color recognition is used to collect and filter the target pixel values and ranges in the high-speed video stream, and the objects are identified and marked, displayed and output accurately, including location, color, distance measurement and so on, at the same time, through a serial port for data output, and through the research, put forward a wide range of application areas of image recognition technology and the corresponding software tools for modern agriculture and industrial field of robot vision recognition, target positioning and so provide a valuable reference.
    Key words: video stream; image extraction; color recognition; distance measurement
    目   录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    ABSTRACT    1
    KEY WORDS    1
    1绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2国内外研究状况    2
    1.2.1国内研究现状    2
    1.2.2国外研究现状    2
    1.3开发环境与技术介绍    2
    1.3.1硬件环境    2
    1.3.2软件配置    2
    1.3.3 JavaCV概述    2
    2课题概述    2
    2.1课题设计    2
    2.2颜色识别    3
    2.3位置识别    3
    2.4图像信息的获取与输出    3
    3颜色识别    4
    3.1图像预处理    4
    3.2颜色空间转换    5
    3.3目标筛选及跟踪    6
    3.4图像形态学处理与阈值分割    7
    3.4.1图像形态学处理    7
    3.4.2二值化    7
    3.5绘制轮廓    8
    3.6获取目标颜色分量值    8
    4位置识别    8
    4.1立体标定    9
    4.1.1坐标系变换    9
    4.1.2标定技术    10
    4.1.3标定流程    12
    4.1.4标定结果与误差分析    12
    4.2立体校正    13
    4.3目标测距    14
    4.3.1单目标测距    14
    4.3.2多目标测距    15
    5图像信息的获取与输出    17
    5.1信息获取    17
    5.2信息输出    18
    6实验结果    19
    7总结与展望    22
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