    As the most populous country in the world, China in various of queuing phenomenon is very common. In the long process, not only for team of wasted time, also make people get effective social production efficiency is not high. “The customer is god” the service industry, the highest service professions, especially the service industry in the increasingly competitive today, how to improve the quality of service, improve their efficiency is a enterprise can be one of the important factors for long-term development. With the advent of the information age, the rapid development of technology and the people of all walks of life to improve service levels. At present. “Queuing system” has been as a new service concept into the bank, and when the customer to enter the bank, according to their own needs can be removed from the Queuing machine number ticket, then enter rest for voice prompt, such as: to create a customer in the window and personalized relaxed environment, return customers, also can bring convenience for types according to the customer’s business, number of customers, business, determine the time for the bank counter to arrange and further adjustment and promotion, service mechanism and quality of service, profit maximization of customer satisfaction.
    This topic was designed based on the solution of the commercial Banks to high-tech computer technology to replace the customers, so as to solve customer in line, and using the system design, based on creating comfortable environment, shorten the customer waiting for time, improve the privacy and confidentiality, better working conditions and environment, improve labor productivity of management information, provide time control, volume control and service quality control in the application of unity and evaluation process, bank service quality, service and to enhance customer satisfaction demand,
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