


    在数据挖掘技术模型的基础上,最终能够得到最优化模型。此模型反应出一系列我们期待的特点,如时间短、精度高等。在实际生活中使用我们得到的最优化模型,无论是个人还是企业,都可以提高客户分类的效率。毕业论文关键词:数据挖掘; 决策树; CART算法;客户


    Our society is full of information, lots of data occur every day, so it is a critical question that how can we get useful information from these data and then create more value for us. Data mining bases on researching data, then we can get useful information for the further deciding. These years, more and more companies focus on the data mining, so it is also a researching direction for the data house and information deciding.

    This paper on the theory, method and technology of data mining, by decision tree modeling for the main idea, using decision tree based on Gini index in the classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm, the customer information into attributes - conclusion type form, by building a tree and the tree pruning three steps, evaluation model, classify the customer, so as to accurately distinguish between target and the target customers.

    Based on the data mining, we can finally get the optimization model. The combination of data warehouse model, applied to real life can greatly improve efficiency, in other words, the customer or the company will both benefit lots from this.

    Keyword: Data Mining; Decision Tree; CART;Customer

    目    录

    一、引言 5

    (一)论文的研究背景及意义 5

    (二)论文的选题目的 5

    二、数据挖掘理论 6

    (一)数据挖掘基本概念 6

    (二)数据挖掘的功能 7

    (三)数据挖掘过程 8

    三、关于客户分类 8

    (一)客户分类的概念 8

    (二)微博客户分类的意义 8

    (三)微博客户操作流程 9

    (四)微博客户分类中的具体应用 9

    1.客户现状及问题描述 9

    2.研究目标 9

    四、CART算法 10

    (1)构建树 11

    (2)数据预处理 11

    (3)CART树的生成 11

    (4)树的剪枝 12

    (5)CART树的最优选择 14


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